Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Files-ar.83
Ancestors: Files-eem.82

Move writeSourceCodeFrom:... from FileStream to FileDirectory and have FileStream vector the request through ChangeSet defaultChangeSetDirectory for consistency between all file-out operations.



Name: System-ar.355
Ancestors: System-dtl.354

Don't let ChangeSet compute the full name for the fileout since this will conflict with the fixName: usage in writeSourceCodeFrom: (it's no longer necessary to do that since FileStream>>writeSourceCodeFrom:... now vectors to the right place).



Name: Compression-ar.19
Ancestors: Compression-nice.18

Fix handling of empty members in ZipArchives which would produce zips considered corrupt by other tools (unzip -t).



Name: XML-Parser-ar.32
Ancestors: XML-Parser-mtf.30

Fix printing of XMLElements; add tests for behavior.
