Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Network-ar.98
Ancestors: Network-ul.97

Fixes for SocketStream:
1) SocketStream>>receiveData: and SocketStream>>upToEnd: had incorrect conditions used to determine when to stop (#isConnected is wrong since there can be data pending on an unconnected socket which is why using #atEnd is the correct test).
2) The former was done to deal with non-signaling SocketStreams in cases where ConnectionClose was used to deal with end conditions (#upToEnd, #next:into:startingAt:, #readInto:startingAt:count:). This was fixed by making these places (temporarily) signaling so that the exception can be caught and handled properly.
3) SocketStream>>isDataAvailable should not attempt to shortcut prematurely; using 'socket dataAvailable' is bad for subclasses such as SecureSocketStream and unnecessary to boot (and has no performance impact).



Name: Collections-ul.409
Ancestors: Collections-ul.408

- introduced String >> #withLineEndings:
- simplified and unified String's line-ending changing methods: #withInternetLineEndings, #withSqueakLineEndings  and #withUnixLineEndings



Name: Collections-ul.410
Ancestors: Collections-ul.409

- added a translation table to String for exchanging cr and lf characters
- simplified and enhanced String's #withSqueakLineEndings and #withUnixLineEndings



Name: Tools-ul.280
Ancestors: Tools-ul.279

- fix: FileList2 open should work now
- fix: the service used for project loading from FileList is also used by the drop handler, this should be probably changed in the future.



Name: Graphics-ul.159
Ancestors: Graphics-tbn.157, Graphics-mt.158

- a forgotten merge



Name: Compiler-ul.182
Ancestors: Compiler-nice.181

- removed #isLiteral from the ParseNode hierarchy, because it means something else. Added #isLiteralNode instead.



Name: Tools-ul.281
Ancestors: Tools-ul.280

- replaced the PointerFinder >> #isLiteral hack by a direct class check, also reordered the checks in #follow:from:, so cheaper and common ones are performed first.



Name: System-ul.395
Ancestors: System-ul.394

- updated the contents of the keyboard shortcuts



Name: Tools-ul.282
Ancestors: Tools-ul.281, Tools-ul.278




Name: Tools-ul.278
Ancestors: Tools-ul.277

Thread-safe DebuggerMethodMap
