Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: ShoutCore-ul.28
Ancestors: ShoutCore-ul.27

- mark ByteArray literals as ByteArrays instead of Arrays



Name: SystemReporter-dtl.3
Ancestors: SystemReporter-laza.2

If the VM reports source revisions via #primitivePlatformSourceVersion and #primitiveInterpreterSourceVersion, include this information in SystemReporter "VM General".

Example output:

  Virtual Machine
  Squeak4.1 of 17 April 2010 [latest update: #9957]
  platform sources revision 2356
  VMMaker versionString 4.4.7



Name: SystemReporter-dtl.5
Ancestors: SystemReporter-laza.4, SystemReporter-dtl.3

Merge SystemReporter-dtl.3



Name: SystemReporter-laza.6
Ancestors: SystemReporter-dtl.5

- fixed full image path name
- added build date for vm
- used canonical names for system attributes if possible
- changed indexing of parameters and options to match argumentAt: and optionAt:
