Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Monticello-cmm.420
Ancestors: Monticello-cmm.419

NOTE:  Please close all MC repository browsers before loading this (via the trunk-update process).

- Introduced MCFileName for working with Strings in the format [Package]-[author].[version].mcz.
- Working toward re-unification of MCFileRepositoryInspector's and MCRepositoryInspector's so that MC browsers on a GOODS or Magma-backed MC repository will behave the same as one backed by a file-system.



Name: Monticello-cmm.421
Ancestors: Monticello-cmm.420

- Added printing forMCFileName.
- Fixed #versionHighlight: for new MCFileName model.



Name: Morphic-dtl.522
Ancestors: Morphic-mtf.521

Add Debugger class>>morphicOpenOn:context:label:contents:fullView: as dispatch target for opening a debugger in Morphic.



Name: ST80-dtl.125
Ancestors: ST80-nice.124

Add Debugger class>>mvcOpenOn:context:label:contents:fullView: as dispatch target for opening a debugger in MVC.



Name: System-dtl.424
Ancestors: System-ul.423

Update #dispatchTo:addPrefixAndSend:withArguments: to flag usage in debugger opening (indicates opportunity for tool builder support to replace this usage).



Name: Tools-dtl.299
Ancestors: Tools-nice.298

Evaluating #halt in MVC can result in an extra debugger scheduled for opening in the previous Morphic project. Clean up debugger open by eliminating #isMorphic test from Debugger class>>openOn:context:label:contents:fullView: and replacing with method dispatch to the appropriate MVC or Morphic method. The MVC method no longer schedules an extra open in someone else's world.

This fixes some scheduling issues with opening an MVC debugger. However, some additional ToolBuilder support is needed for the MVC debugger, and other scheduling issues may remain (not sure if the problems are due to missing buttons etc, or to some other MVC scheduling issue).



Name: Monticello-ul.422
Ancestors: Monticello-cmm.421

Added preamble which closes open MC repositories.



Name: CollectionsTests-ul.182
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-ul.181

- added a test for #overlappingPairsCollect: to OrderedCollectionTest
- recategorized some methods in SequenceableCollectionTest



Name: Collections-ul.430
Ancestors: Collections-ul.429

- fix: #overlappingPairsCollect: didn't work with OrderedCollections
