Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Kernel-ul.662
Ancestors: Kernel-laza.661

- fix: even empty MethodDictionaries should have one slot



Name: Tools-ael.392
Ancestors: Tools-bf.391

fix (received from Scott Wallace) to long-standing bug in which a newly opened message list would not scroll the code to show the first search-term match



Name: Protocols-ael.39
Ancestors: Protocols-ul.38

fix to protocol browser's filtering by class-variable ref



Name: Tools-laza.393
Ancestors: Tools-ael.392, Tools-ul.392

Merged heads



Name: Exceptions-chc.36
Ancestors: Exceptions-cmm.35

I'm cleaning house before the release of 4.3. I have a dirty package and I'm pushing it out to the trunk before final build. I added nothing to this, but it must be different somehow, as it's dirty.
