Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Tools-fbs.410
Ancestors: Tools-cmm.409

Just a spelling correction: acceptDroppedMorphss -> acceptDroppedMorphs.



Name: KernelTests-nice.222
Ancestors: KernelTests-nice.221

Provides tests for Fraction readFrom:



Name: Kernel-nice.692
Ancestors: Kernel-nice.691

Let Fraction readFrom: '1/2' and Fraction readFrom: '0.1' answer the expected fractions.
The sign, if any, must be attached to numerator.



Name: Kernel-nice.693
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.692, Kernel-nice.692

Merge nice.692 (reading Fraction from Stream)
add a comment to the postscript just to force a rehashAll.



Name: KernelTests-nice.225
Ancestors: KernelTests-eem.224, KernelTests-nice.222

Merge nice.222 (test for reading Fraction from Stream)
Complete the tests with some error conditions.
