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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Protocols-nice.45
Ancestors: Protocols-nice.44

Vocabulary class>>typeChoices throws an error if Preferences>>allowEtoysUserCustomEvents is false
Mantis #7786



Name: System-nice.595
Ancestors: System-fbs.594

Remove an unimplemented send of #signalFrom:to:
Don't use DomainError in this context, it should better be restricted for mathematical function.
This is because having a too broad usage of an Exception makes its handling impracticle
For example:
    someBlock on: DomainError do: [:exc | exc return: Float nan]
sounds legitimate, but wouldn't really work if DomainError is raised for any parameter having a restricted domain.
