Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: ST80-nice.154
Ancestors: ST80-nice.153

Move TextLineInterval from Graphics to ST80-Support



Name: Graphics-nice.249
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.248

Move TextLineInterval from Graphics to ST80-Support



Name: Morphic-nice.695
Ancestors: Morphic-nice.694

A TextAnchor should not try to directly #placeEmbeddedObject: when emphasizing the scanner.
Indeed, a scanner requests the Text to apply emphasis/attributes at an initialization stage (setFont).
It is the scanner scan loop which is responsible for composing the text.
Since this initialization happens outside the scan loop, the scanner is not yet ready to place anything.

The placement will happen later when the scanner is willing to, by the following mechanism:
- every TextAnchor is associated with a (Character value: 1).
- there is a stopCondition associated to this value which will be processed in the scan loop and invoke #embeddedObject.
- #embeddedObject will send #placeEmbeddedObject:

Restoring this method from 12 years ago fixes a glitch when the embedded morph crosses the right margin.
The glitch is due to a setFont which is sent from inside the scan loop in some conditions and incorrectly increments twice the morph display position.



Name: Graphics-nice.250
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.249

Categorize placeEmbeddedObject: as private
Merge Graphics-Text support and Graphics-Text: really, these are all support classes
Remove TextLine>>justifiedPadFor: which is superseded by justifiedPadFor:font: for a few years now (since integration of FreeType support in trunk image).



Name: MorphicExtras-nice.121
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-tpr.120

Remove PostscriptCharacterScanner>>placeEmbeddedObject: because it is a private method of CharacterScanner which won't be sent to a PostscriptCharacterScanner.
Classify CanvasCharacterScanner>>textColor: according to own hierarchy.



Name: ST80-nice.155
Ancestors: ST80-nice.154

Remove TextLine>>justifiedPadFor: which is superseded by justifiedPadFor:font: for a few years now (since integration of FreeType support in trunk image).
