Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Environments-cmm.39
Ancestors: Environments-cmm.38

The community voted for Environments to keep its original Designated Initializers.



Name: Balloon-nice.24
Ancestors: Balloon-eem.23

Change a few print:(aFloat roundTo: 0.01) into nextPutAll:(aFloat printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2) or print:aFloat maxDecimalPlaces:2
Indeed, decimal fraction (1/10) (1/100) ... are not represented exactly as Float.
(1/10 - 0.1 asTrueFraction) asFloat -> -5.551115123125783e-18
So roundTo: 0.01 is an approximation which cumulates several round off errors and differs from intention (roundTo:1/100) asFloat.
Now that we print number accurately (*), this small difference causes unwanted trailing digits.
0.3 printString-> '0.3'
(3*0.1) printString-> '0.30000000000000004'
(0.3 roundTo: 0.1) printString -> '0.30000000000000004'

* accurately = the shorter decimal fraction that would be re-interpreted unchanged



Name: GetText-nice.34
Ancestors: GetText-fbs.33

Change a few print:(aFloat roundTo: 0.01) into nextPutAll:(aFloat printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2)



Name: Morphic-nice.709
Ancestors: Morphic-nice.708

Change a few print:(aFloat roundTo: 0.01) into nextPutAll:(aFloat printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2)



Name: MorphicExtras-nice.145
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-nice.144

Change a few print:(aFloat roundTo: 0.01) into nextPutAll:(aFloat printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2)



Name: Nebraska-nice.36
Ancestors: Nebraska-ul.35

Change a few print:(aFloat roundTo: 0.01) into nextPutAll:(aFloat printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2)



Name: Network-nice.150
Ancestors: Network-nice.149

Change a few print:(aFloat roundTo: 0.01) into nextPutAll:(aFloat printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2)



Name: SmallLand-ColorTheme-nice.4
Ancestors: SmallLand-ColorTheme-fbs.3

Change a few print:(aFloat roundTo: 0.01) into nextPutAll:(aFloat printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2)



Name: Sound-nice.38
Ancestors: Sound-fbs.37

Change a few print:(aFloat roundTo: 0.01) into nextPutAll:(aFloat printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2)



Name: SmallLand-ColorTheme-nice.5
Ancestors: SmallLand-ColorTheme-nice.4

Change a few print:(aFloat roundTo: 0.01) into nextPutAll:(aFloat printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2)
BIS, sorry for the noise.



Name: System-nice.647
Ancestors: System-cmm.646

Change a few print:(aFloat roundTo: 0.01) into nextPutAll:(aFloat printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2)



Name: Graphics-nice.284
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.283

Change a few print:(aFloat roundTo: 0.01) into nextPutAll:(aFloat printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2)
