Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Monticello-bf.601
Ancestors: Monticello-topa.600

Do not warn about possibly newer versions on different branch (e.g. VMMaker.oscog)



Name: Collections.spur-nice.574
Ancestors: Collections-nice.574, Collections.spur-ul.573

Collections-nice.574 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.209

Less ascii/binary dance.
The sender of nextString doesn't try to force ascii, anymore so the implementor doesn't have to force binary.



Name: Compiler.spur-eem.289
Ancestors: Compiler-eem.289, Compiler.spur-eem.288

Compiler-eem.289 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.209

Fix doits in the codePane of a debugger opened from
another debugger.  e.g. before this fix

1. debug 3+4.
2. in code pane of debugger #1 debug 4+5
3. in code pane of debugger #2 debug 5+6, boom.

The bug was that when the encoder creates temp names for temp vars in the debugged context, which
it does by creating messages to DoItIn:'s argument
'ThisContext', if this is a level 3 debug, then the
original expression would have a temp var called
'ThisContext' already and that would overwrite the
'ThisContext' argument for this level with a
message send, and boom.

The fix is merely to filter-out these temps and
hence never overwrite DoItIn:'s 'ThisContext'
argument in the scope table.



Name: Collections.spur-ul.584
Ancestors: Collections-ul.584, Collections.spur-nice.583

Collections-ul.584 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.209

Character changes:
- use the value instance variable instead of #asciiValue where possible
- implemented #<= and #>=



Name: Compiler.spur-eem.290
Ancestors: Compiler-eem.290, Compiler.spur-eem.289

Compiler-eem.290 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.209

Define the other extension acessor, the one that
locates extensions before an extended bytecode.
Tighten up the comment on the one that accesses
the extension bytecodes themselves.



Name: Kernel.spur-eem.876
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.876, Kernel.spur-ul.875

Kernel-eem.876 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.209

Fix handleSignal: for a rare edge case that can
occur on Stack &amp; Cog VMs.



Name: Kernel.spur-eem.877
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.877, Kernel.spur-eem.876

Kernel-eem.877 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.209

Fix doPrimitive:method:receiver:args: for primitive 188
and quick methods (Object>>withArgs:executeMethod:)
and support primitive 189



Name: System.spur-nice.673
Ancestors: System-nice.673, System.spur-dtl.672

System-nice.673 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.209

Continue to disentangle the nest of vipers, one knot at a time.
Replace usage of compressedMIMEEncodedStream, because
- we do not need a ReadWriteStream (such requirement should be so rare)
- we do not even need a ReadStream
- we just need a String
So let's use a String



Name: Kernel.spur-eem.878
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.878, Kernel.spur-eem.876

Kernel-eem.878 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.209

Less haste, more speed.
Fix doPrimitive:method:receiver:args: for primitive 188
and quick methods (Object>>withArgs:executeMethod:)
and support primitive 189



Name: System.spur-nice.674
Ancestors: System-nice.674, System.spur-nice.673

System-nice.674 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.209

Remove SmartRefStream class>>streamedRepresentationOf: which is essentially the same as super.
The sole difference is that it tries to close the RWBinaryOrTextStream, but this is a no-op...



Name: System.spur-nice.675
Ancestors: System-nice.675, System.spur-nice.674

System-nice.675 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.209

Remove a bit of ascii/binary dance.
This is possible
- in CodeLoader because ByteArray now understands unzipped
- in DataStream>>readString, because nextString will turn stream to binary right after we asked for ascii...
- in SmartRefStream>>appendClassDefns because we can forward the job to an asciiStream.
Beware, this last part was not WideString friendly, and still isn't really.
We should better use something like UTF8 but it's not a local change - we'll see later...



Name: Kernel-eem.879
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.878

Add a usable unusedBytecode hook that allows
InstructionClients to define unusedBytecode and
act appropriately.

Remove the obsolete interpretExtension:in:for:



Name: Kernel.spur-eem.879
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.879, Kernel.spur-eem.878

Kernel-eem.879 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher Cog-eem.209

Add a usable unusedBytecode hook that allows
InstructionClients to define unusedBytecode and
act appropriately.

Remove the obsolete interpretExtension:in:for:
