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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Tools-cmm.600
Ancestors: Tools-mt.599

HierarchyBrowser cannot support the menu of the one-line category "list".  Let the new layout frame play nicely with the horizontal smart-splitter algorithm.



Name: Collections.spur-mt.621
Ancestors: Collections-mt.621, Collections.spur-ul.620

Collections-mt.621 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher * Cog-eem.261

Convenience method added to String to remove line endings/breaks from a string.



Name: System.spur-mt.724
Ancestors: System-mt.724, System.spur-ul.723

System-mt.724 patched for Spur by SpurBootstrapMonticelloPackagePatcher * Cog-eem.261

Move check for big displays from SystemWindow to RealEstateManager. Some refactorings in RealEstateManager.



Name: Morphic-cmm.915
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.914

- Let forward delete be useful for joining lines.
- Reasonable minimumWidth for PluggableTextMorphs.
- Don't let horizontal splitters be dragged into or above the window title bar.
- Fixed the new concurrent siblings enhancement for horizontal smart splitters.
- Removed an unnecessary contraction from a menu.



Name: Tools-cmm.601
Ancestors: Tools-cmm.600

- Added "Show System-Category in Hierarchy Browsers" so that HierarchyBrowsers may prefer to show their systemCategory or not.
- Let the new layout frame for FileContentsBrowser play nicely with the horizontal smart-splitter algorithm; by not making a one-line list.



Name: ST80-cmm.181
Ancestors: ST80-cmm.180

Let forward delete be useful for joining lines.



Name: Help-Squeak-Project-kfr.24
Ancestors: Help-Squeak-Project-kfr.23

Changed around introduction in help a little



Name: HelpSystem-Core-kfr.69
Ancestors: HelpSystem-Core-mt.68

HelpBrowser openOn: aClass failed because instance variables were nil



Name: Morphic-mt.916
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.915

Fixed implementations of minWidth and minHeight for ScrollPanes, Sliders, and their subclasses.



Name: HelpSystem-Core-kfr.70
Ancestors: HelpSystem-Core-kfr.69

Notify about current limitation in accepting edits in HelpBrowser



Name: HelpSystem-Core-kfr.71
Ancestors: HelpSystem-Core-kfr.70

Get methods and hierarcy for the class opened in help browser
