Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Morphic-eem.994
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.993

Fix a serious bug with interCyclePause:.  On the first invocation, lastCycleTime may be far in the future (since it will be whatever it was when the image is saved), hence Time millisecondsSince: lastCycleTime can be large and negative, hence milliSecs - (Time millisecondsSince: lastCycleTime) can be large and positive, which can result in a delay of many minutes in the first invocation.  This was causing the unresponsivness of the 64-bit Spur image on start-up.  The fix is simple; if lastCycleTime iks in the future it should be reset.

Change HandMorph>>handleEvent: to only update EventStats if it is non-nil, and change the package prologue to nil it.  Nothing reads EventStats, so it is taking cycles for no purpose.  This isn;t an issue until the count of mouse move events rolls over into large positive integers, at which point there's real overhead.  There's a comment in the method to allow one to "install" EventStats if and when one does want to collect such stats.  But IMO this shouldn't be enabled by default.  Waste not, want not.
