Changes to Trunk ( in the last 24 hours: Kernel-cmm.937
Ancestors: Kernel-cmm.936
- #hasBreakpoint is now needed by Kernel, but must be able to operate independently of System's BreakpointManager.
============================================= System-cmm.756
Ancestors: System-cmm.755
CompiledMethod>>#hasBreakpoint was moved back to Kernel.
============================================= ReleaseBuilder-cmm.128
Ancestors: ReleaseBuilder-cmm.127
- Ensure a "FileList initialize" per request from Karl.
- Ensure to flushAllCaches of Monticello for the release.
- Reverse decision to #condenseSources as part of #prepareNewRelease, because we need to release a new 5.0 without a new SqueakV50.sources.
- Certainly don't condenseSources in #prepareNextVersionAlpha either.
- Set some preferences which were not explicitly set.