Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Kernel-ul.959
Ancestors: Kernel-topa.958

Use #== instead of #= for symbol comparison and compare the floating point value directly to zero in Float >> #adaptTo*andCompare: methods. Also removed the branch for NaN, because the remaining branches yield the same result.

Duration changes:
- avoid LargeInteger operations in #days:hours:minutes:seconds:nanoSeconds: ad #asMilliSeconds as much as possible



Name: Network-ul.163
Ancestors: Network-mt.162

NetNameResolver changes:
- do not raise an error from within the critical section of #addressForName:timeout:, because a debugger in the image would block NetNameResolver
- define the deadline using an absolute clock in all name lookup operations instead of Time >> #millisecondClockValue, because the latter will lock up NetNameResolver when its value would roll over before the lookup deadline ends and the resolver is busy
- added #nameForAddress: with the same default timeout value as #addressForName:



Name: Kernel-ul.960
Ancestors: Kernel-ul.959

- fix #seconds:nanoseconds: -> #seconds:nanoSeconds:



Name: Collections-ul.667
Ancestors: Collections-topa.666

Added the missing methods of ByteArray's platform independent access category: #signedByteAt: #signedByteAt:put: #long64At:put:bigEndian: and #long64At:bigEndian:. The 64-bit methods are not optimized.

Added #associationClass to Dictionary and its subclasses, which returns the class of the associations the Dictionary holds. This allows us to simplify the implementations of #at:put: and friends in the subclasses.

String changes:
- introduced #asIntegerSigned: which converts the receiver to an Integer.
- #asSignedInteger should return nil for empty string.
- optimized #asUnsignedInteger as well



Name: CollectionsTests-ul.252
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-eem.251

Added tests for ByteArray's #long64At:* methods.



Name: CollectionsTests-ul.253
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-ul.252

- same tests in StringTest and WideStringTest
- added empty string
- uses #groupsDo:



Name: CollectionsTests-ul.254
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-topa.252, CollectionsTests-ul.253

Added thorough tests for #asIntegerSigned:.



Name: Network-ul.164
Ancestors: Network-ul.163

- fixed NetNameResolver class >> #nameForAddress:timeout:
- simplified NetNameResolver class >> #addressForName:timeout:
