Changes to Trunk ( in the last 24 hours: Tests-ul.339
Ancestors: Tests-ul.338
- don't leave the empty Tests-MonticelloMocks category in the system after running MCFileInTest
============================================= Tools-ul.686
Ancestors: Tools-mt.685
TimeProfileBrowser changes:
- make #messageHelpAt: work
- calculate and store methodReferences
- use the precreated methodReferences instead of re-parsing the lines all the time
- simplify a few things now that we have methodReferences available
- added a hack to show the tallied block's source when the tally contains a block outside of a method. This is not correct in all cases, but the block itself doesn't seem it be available
- use lazy initialization for methodReference so that existing instances will keep working after update
============================================= Morphic-ul.1102
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1101
- always initialize SimpleBorder's instance variables, so that we can simplify accessors and make them quicker
- added #smallDeleteIcon to the 'remove (x)' menu item in MenuIcons
- String >> #, with a non-string argument has unexpected results. Fix that in TextEditor >> #querySymbol:.
============================================= Morphic-ul.1103
Ancestors: Morphic-ul.1102
- migrate SimpleBorder instances both in preamble and postscript
============================================= Tools-ul.687
Ancestors: Tools-ul.686
- removed the hard dependency on HelpBrowser
- all browser panels respond to Cmd+x with the same behavior: remove
============================================= Morphic-cmm.1104
Ancestors: Morphic-ul.1103
- Put the new 'Wrapped Navigation' feature onto a Preference, so that the ability to easily navigate trees with just one hand on the arrow keys is restored.
- It also restores navigation keys [Home], [End], [Pg Up] and [Pg Down] to ONLY navigate, and not cause tree expansions.