Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Collections-ul.695
Ancestors: Collections-topa.694

Heap revamp #1:

class side:
- Heaps can be created on an existing array with #on: #on:size: and #on:size:sortBlock:
- #withAll: and #withAll:sortBlock: avoid creating an extra copy if the argument is already an Array

instance side:
- imported and improved #= from Pharo
- #growTo: won't raise an error when newSize is less than array size (e.g. during compaction)
- #sortBlock: restores the heap invariant on its own
- improved #select:, #collect, #at:, #removeAt:, #add:
- added #sort and #compact; compatible with other collections
- #capacity returns the real capacity
- inlined #sorts:before: and #indexUpdateBlock: for performance
- improved performance and legibility of the heap operations #upHeap: #downHeap: and #downHeapSingle:
- added #isValidHeap
- added some comments



Name: Collections-ul.696
Ancestors: Collections-ul.695

- added #quickSort and #quickSort: to ArrayedCollection



Name: CollectionsTests-ul.263
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.262

- added a few more heap tests



Name: ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.166
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.165

Fixes tool opening for non-windows.

Fixes debugger opening for errors that occur in invisible worlds' event processing chain. Required for writing tests for user input event processing. Always use the project's world to show debuggers.



Name: Morphic-ul.1158
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1157

- use #sort instead of #fullySort



Name: 51Deprecated-ul.30
Ancestors: 51Deprecated-mt.29

Deprecated the now unused methods of Heap.



Name: Collections-ul.697
Ancestors: Collections-ul.696

Heap revamp #2.

Deprecated the now unusued #fullySort, #reSort, #sorts:before:, #trim and #updateObjectIndex:

Bonus: do not re-sort the receiver of SortedCollection >> #sortBlock: when it only has one element.



Name: CollectionsTests-ul.264
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-ul.263

#sortBlock: will re-sort the SortedCollection, so there's no need to send #reSort to it afterwards in SortedCollectionTest >> #testShouldPrecede.
