Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Kernel-mt.1028
Ancestors: Kernel-mt.1027

Extends EventSensor to be prepared for VMs to really send mouse-wheel events.

(Merges several peek* and prim* methods in EventSensor as a clean-up from the former InputSensor days.)



Name: Morphic-mt.1178
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1177

Appendix to Kernel-mt.1028.

Support #wheelDelta in MouseWheelEvent instances for fine-granular scrolling. Do only raise flags for, e.g., #isWheelUp and #isWheelDown if the delta is above 120 units. Accumulate this in MouseWheelState. Wheel-up is every +120 and wheel-down is every -120.



Name: ST80-mt.213
Ancestors: ST80-mt.212

Appendix to Kernel-mt.1028.



Name: System-mt.833
Ancestors: System-mt.832

Make it possible to access the common request strings from other applications.



Name: Morphic-mt.1179
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1178

Add the world's Do-menu to the world main docking bar. Can be hidden via preferences.



Name: Graphics-mt.349
Ancestors: Graphics-topa.348

Improves dark-map rendering of DejaVu Sans. Now, it does not look so bold anymore but is still way more readable on darker backgrounds than the bitmap version is.



Name: Morphic-mt.1180
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1179

Fixes a regression with event filterung and bubbling in general, which affects events sent to morphs that are submorphs of the hand. Escaping drag-and-drop, for example, where events are sent to the TransferMorph.



Name: Morphic-mt.1181
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1180

ixes regression in event dispatching and coordinate transformations. Do not reset transformation in the event copy delivered to submorphs. They need those for, e.g., double click, drag-and-drop, etc.

Our events do, more or less, not change after being created and initialized. The only exception is #wasHandled, #wasIgnored, and #position during event dispatching. Keep it that way. If you plan to change some event state in an event filter, create a new event instead and do not mess around with the current one.



Name: Graphics-lpc.350
Ancestors: Graphics-mt.349

Support for both the current version and the new version of JPEGReadWriter2Plugin
