Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Morphic-mt.1225
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1224

Fixes scratch-pad to be compatible with UI themes. This is not the optimal solution but it works for now.



Name: HelpSystem-Core-mt.88
Ancestors: HelpSystem-Core-mt.87

For prospective content authors in our help system, avoid changing protected texts by accident.



Name: Help-Squeak-Project-mt.37
Ancestors: Help-Squeak-Project-mt.36

Protect help texts that are fixed or derived from other strings in the system from editing (and duplicating).



Name: Morphic-mt.1226
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1225

Fixes retractable scroll bars, which did not work properly of mouseOverForKeyboardFocus was disabled. Note that #hasFocus is ancient and not needed anymore for controlling keyboard focus here. See also #hIsScrollbarNeeded and #vIsScrollbarNeeded and maybe other senders of #hasFocus.



Name: Morphic-mt.1227
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1226

Fixes a small regression where the text cursor did not show up on a simple mouse down when it was invisible due to its blinking animation.



Name: ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.178
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.177

For disabled buttons, still draw a border to make them still look like buttons, not like labels.



Name: Morphic-mt.1228
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1227

Some last-minute UI theming fix, which applies to the non-flat look (i.e. using gradients) in progress bars. Implementation is not perfect but consistent with LazyListMorph selections, now.

Note that, in the future, we should untangle the use of #gradientMenu and, maybe, add specific preferences.



Name: System-mt.861
Ancestors: System-cmm.860

Provide progress indication when applying a new UI theme. Use 1000-ms updates to not slow-down the process unnecessarily.



Name: System-mt.862
Ancestors: System-mt.861

Implements Karl's suggestions for the colors in Monokai and Solarized themes for progress bars. Also improve the non-shadow scenario.



Name: Monticello-mt.643
Ancestors: Monticello-mt.642

Fixes the merge button in MC's merge browser.
