Changes to Trunk ( in the last 24 hours: Morphic-kb.235
Ancestors: Morphic-kb.234
- converted the #showWorldMainDockingBar preference to pragma style.
============================================= Morphic-kb.237
Ancestors: Morphic-kb.236
- changed the showWorldMainDockingBar preference to always use the current project's preference.
- added to the postscript to remove the preference from Preferences
============================================= Morphic-kb.238
Ancestors: Morphic-kb.237
- first stab at creating a simple docking bar.
- moved the old docking bar class to TheWorldMainDockingBarOld
- created a subclass of MenuItemMorph: DockingBarItemMorph,
- and cleaned MenuItemMorph from isInDockingBar sends.
- added to the postcript to enable the docking bar.
============================================= Morphic-kb.240
Ancestors: Morphic-kb.239
- Refactoring of TheWorldMainDockingBar
- Added some helper methods to MenuItemMorph, MenuMorph, DockingBarMorph
- Added a menu to the docking bar listing windows not collapsed