Changes to Trunk ( in the last 24 hours: Monticello-ar.338
Ancestors: Monticello-ar.337, Monticello-ar.336
Try hard not to remove methods that have been moved to a different package.
============================================= Monticello-ar.339
Ancestors: Monticello-ar.338
With the last MC update it should be safe to remove category from here and into the System package.
============================================= System-ar.197
Ancestors: System-ul.196
Touch MethodReference>>category to make very sure it shows in the System package.
============================================= Squeak-Version-ar.4662
Initial version of the stub version package to track image version number. Starts with 4662 since the sum of version numbers in the very first trunk config map ( was 2518.. 3.10.2 had as highest update 7179 so we use 7179 - 2518 + 1 = 4662 as a base.
(it really doesn't matter all that much, we just don't want to go backwards in version numbers)
============================================= Morphic-ar.266
Ancestors: Morphic-ul.265
UserDialogBoxMorph gets an optional position argument. The menu item "About Squeak" is now filled in with proper information.