Changes to Trunk ( in the last 24 hours: Traits-nice.246
Ancestors: Traits-ar.245
Move two private Quick* classes off the Array hierarchy
The 3 failing trait tests are unrelated...
============================================= EToys-nice.41
Ancestors: EToys-ul.40
Use scaledIdentityHash for hashing
============================================= Kernel-nice.342
Ancestors: Kernel-Igor.Stasenko.341
Use scaledIdentityHash for hashing
============================================= System-nice.201
Ancestors: System-ar.200
Use scaledIdentityHash for hashing
============================================= Traits-nice.247
Ancestors: Traits-nice.246
Use scaledIdentityHash for hashing
============================================= Kernel-nice.343
Ancestors: Kernel-nice.342
Smalltalk commandments #7:
'Thu shalt not invoke super when self could do the job'
============================================= Traits-nice.248
Ancestors: Traits-nice.247
Move FixedIdentitySet off the Array hierarchy.
Provide a fast implementation using MethodDictionary tricks
- handles collisions (instead of blindly ignoring the entry)
- eventually grow.
I did not understand previous design decision...
The conflict just did happen (I put a halt: and caught one in Object...)
According to my own scale, make it work > make it fast.
Rationale about the new design:
#grow costs, but I think it is user responsibility to fix a reasonnable capacity.
collisions handling should not cost much (except above 4096 entries)
If any expert knowing the reasons for this class and knowing how to fire the profiling tests could have a look, thanks...