Daily Commit Log

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Daily Commit Log

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Network-ar.46
Ancestors: Network-ar.45

Add an HTTPProgress notification that can be used to display progress during HTTPSocket httpGet: operations.



Name: Monticello-ar.345
Ancestors: Monticello-ar.344

Display progress during common MC operations on HTTP repositories.



Name: Network-ar.47
Ancestors: Network-ar.46

Add HTTPProgress for put operations (uploads).



Name: Monticello-ar.346
Ancestors: Monticello-ar.345

Include names of repository and package in up and download progress.



Name: Monticello-ar.347
Ancestors: Monticello-ar.346

Have MCPackageLoader use the best guess about the package being installed in progress notifications.



Name: MonticelloConfigurations-ar.71
Ancestors: MonticelloConfigurations-ar.70

With the additional progress info from MC, configs are a bit noisy when updating. Suppress a good chunk of progress depending (for now) on a preference. The result are smoother and less noisy progress notifications during updates.
