I was asking about how to trace some until top procedure
Now I wish share my solution to all, just in case some need do know.
(HttpService on: 8080 named: 'Debug1')
onRequestDo: [ :httpRequest | HttpResponse fromString: 'SqueakRos
Greet You'.
self dpsTraceUntilRoot: httpRequest ];
'From SqueakLight|II of 31 May 2008 [latest update: #7198] on 31 July 2008
at 6:41:26 am'!
!Object methodsFor: 'error handling' stamp: 'edc 7/31/2008 06:39'!
dpsTraceUntilRoot: anObject
| reportString context count |
Transcript open.
reportString := (anObject respondsTo: #asString)
ifTrue: [anObject asString] ifFalse: [anObject printString].
(Smalltalk at: #Decompiler ifAbsent: [nil])
[Transcript cr; show: reportString]
[context := thisContext.
count := 1.
[Transcript cr.
Transcript show: count printString, ': '.
reportString notNil
[Transcript show: context home class name
, '/' , context sender selector, ' (' , reportString , ')'.
context := context sender.
reportString := nil]
[(context notNil and: [(context := context sender) notNil])
ifTrue: [Transcript show: context receiver class name , '/'
, context selector.
count := count + 1]].
context sender notNil]whileTrue]! !
I try to cook a micro image using Alejandro Reimondo technique into
The goal is the micro image could greet to Firefox web browser and quit.
I afraid as size is 76 k on first try, can't be send here as attached
because is too big :=)
So thanks to all and wait Fenix ponga un Huevo (the Fenix laid an Egg).