[Documentation] How do I get a list of all packages in the image together with a short description what the package does?

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[Documentation] How do I get a list of all packages in the image together with a short description what the package does?

Hannes Hirzel

Is there a query within the image which answers the question

How do I get a list of all packages in the image together with a short
description what the package does?


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Re: [Documentation] How do I get a list of all packages in the image together with a short description what the package does?

Hannes Hirzel
Actually a wiki search


gives a result but it is not clear what it is about.

On 8/24/18, H. Hirzel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello
> Is there a query within the image which answers the question
> How do I get a list of all packages in the image together with a short
> description what the package does?
> --Hannes