Donating money to Squeak

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Donating money to Squeak

Ralph Boland
I am not planning to donate any of my (nearly non-existent)
money to Squeak, sorry.

My open source project, written in Squeak, will have a donate
button which brings up a page for those interesting in donating
to my project, including money.  The page will also list other
open source projects that my project depends on that accept
donations.  I checked the Squeak website but could find no link
describing how to make financial donations.
Is there such a link?


Ralph Boland

Had a wife and kids in Florida, Jack (Nicklaus)
Went out for a "ride" but I couldn't get back
As a ten timer being hunted down
When the wife found out who I was knowing (biblically)
I hit a hydrant and I just kept going.

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Re: Donating money to Squeak

Randal L. Schwartz
>>>>> "Ralph" == Ralph Boland <[hidden email]> writes:

Ralph> My open source project, written in Squeak, will have a donate
Ralph> button which brings up a page for those interesting in donating
Ralph> to my project, including money.  The page will also list other
Ralph> open source projects that my project depends on that accept
Ralph> donations.  I checked the Squeak website but could find no link
Ralph> describing how to make financial donations.
Ralph> Is there such a link?

Not yet.  And whatever thing we're doing now will be different in a
month or so, as we're about to join the Software Freedom Conservancy,
so you would be making donations there, perhaps earmarked for Squeak.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[hidden email]> <URL:>
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