Drawing a line on a morph

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Drawing a line on a morph

Christine Wolfe

If anyone has followed the dice example in Chapter 11 of Squeak By Example you will recognize that I’m trying to build a variation of the dice.  The difference is that I am trying to draw figures on the faces instead of dots.


What I am trying to do is have a group (array, set, collection?) of “faces” on a rectangle – sort of like a child’s building block with an image on each of the faces. I want 1 face to be blank, one to have a line, one to have a diamond, and one to have a rectangle. In the dice example, they draw dots on the faces but I think I can use the same logic to draw lines on the faces.


I’ve pasted what I tried to the end of this post but I’m open to other ways to do it.  I can’t even get a simple line to draw on the face of the rectangle.  You can see that I tried to have the “face” methods send a pair of points that define the ends of the line and have drawLineOn draw a line between the points.  Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.


In the dice example they use:


BorderedMorph subclass: #DieMorph

                instanceVariableNames: 'faces dieValue isStopped'

                classVariableNames: ''

                poolDictionaries: ''

                category: 'SBEexamples'




drawOn: aCanvas

super drawOn: aCanvas.

(self perform: ('face', dieValue asString) asSymbol)

do: [:aPoint | self drawDotOn: aCanvas at: aPoint]




drawDotOn: aCanvas at: aPoint


fillOval: (Rectangle

center: self position + (self extent * aPoint)

extent: self extent / 6)

color: Color black.










^{0.25@0.25 . 0.75@0.75}


I tried:


BorderedMorph subclass: #MyMorph

                instanceVariableNames: 'faces dieValue isStopped'

                classVariableNames: ''

                poolDictionaries: ''

                category: 'SBEexamples'




drawOn: aCanvas

super drawOn: aCanvas.

(self perform: ('face', dieValue asString) asSymbol)

do: [{:aPoint, anotherPoint} | self drawLineOn: aCanvas from: aPoint to: anotherPoint]




drawLineOn: aCanvas from: aPoint to anotherPoint


line: aPoint to: anotherPoint width: 2 color: Color black.





^{{2@2, 2@10}, {2@2, 10@2}, {10@10, 2@10}, {10@10, 10@2}}





^{{5@5, 5@7}, {5@2, 7@2}, {7@7, 5@7}, {7@7, 7@5}}




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Re: Drawing a line on a morph

K. K. Subramaniam
On Friday 30 October 2009 09:22:26 pm Christine Wolfe wrote:
> What I am trying to do is have a group (array, set, collection?) of "faces"
> on a rectangle - sort of like a child's building block with an image on
>  each of the faces. I want 1 face to be blank, one to have a line, one to
>  have a diamond, and one to have a rectangle.
How about:
drawOn: aCanvas
        super drawOn: aCanvas.
        self perform: ('drawFace', dieValue asString) asSymbol with: aCanvas

drawFace1: aCanvas
        "leave blank"

drawFace2: aCanvas
        self drawLineOn: aCanvas from: self topLeft to: self bottomRight.

HTH .. Subbu
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Re: Drawing a line on a morph

Bert Freudenberg
In reply to this post by Christine Wolfe
On 30.10.2009, at 11:52, Christine Wolfe wrote:

> drawOn: aCanvas
> super drawOn: aCanvas.
> (self perform: ('face', dieValue asString) asSymbol)
> do: [{:aPoint, anotherPoint} | self drawLineOn: aCanvas from: aPoint  
> to: anotherPoint]

In my version of Squeak this won't even compile.

How did you accept that method?

The curly-bracket array notation can not be used to extract multiple  
arguments. Instead, you would have to do something like this:

[:aPointPair | self drawLineOn: aCanvas from: aPointPair first to:  
aPointPair second]

And secondly, this expression is valid syntactically but does not do  
what you might expect:

> face1
> ^{{2@2, 2@10}, {2@2, 10@2}, {10@10, 2@10}, {10@10, 10@2}}

In non-literal Array notation, expressions must be separated by  
periods, not commas:

{{2@2. 2@10}. {2@2. 10@2}. {10@10, 2@10}. {10@10. 10@2}}

The way you would verify a line like this or your's above is you  
simply select it and press cmd-p so it will print the result. You can  
do this in any browser or workspace.

- Bert -

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RE: Drawing a line on a morph

Christine Wolfe
In reply to this post by K. K. Subramaniam
I tried it but the debugger says it doesn't understand drawFace1: I've
double and triple checked and drawFace1: is there.

-----Original Message-----
From: K. K. Subramaniam [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 1:18 PM
To: [hidden email]
Cc: Christine Wolfe
Subject: Re: [Newbies] Drawing a line on a morph

On Friday 30 October 2009 09:22:26 pm Christine Wolfe wrote:
> What I am trying to do is have a group (array, set, collection?) of
> on a rectangle - sort of like a child's building block with an image on
>  each of the faces. I want 1 face to be blank, one to have a line, one to
>  have a diamond, and one to have a rectangle.
How about:
drawOn: aCanvas
        super drawOn: aCanvas.
        self perform: ('drawFace', dieValue asString) asSymbol with: aCanvas

drawFace1: aCanvas
        "leave blank"

drawFace2: aCanvas
        self drawLineOn: aCanvas from: self topLeft to: self bottomRight.

HTH .. Subbu

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RE: Drawing a line on a morph

Christine Wolfe
In reply to this post by Bert Freudenberg
Thank you so much for the information about the . instead of , and for the
aPointPair first to aPointPair last.  They look like they are going to be a
big help.

When I made the changes, I received the following error message with either
of the workspace instructions shown below.
MyMorph(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: [] in MyMorph>>drawOn: {[:aPointPair |
self drawLineOn: aCanvas from: aPointPair first to: aPo...]}

This is my current code:
In Workspace I type:
(MyMorph faces: 2) openInWorld
MyMorph new openInWorld

My messages are:

super initialize.
"taken directly from SBE"
self extent: 50@50.
self useGradientFill; borderWidth: 2; useRoundedCorners.
self setBorderStyle: #complexRaised.
self fillStyle direction: self extent.
self color: Color green.
dieValue := 1.
faces := 6.
isStopped := false.


drawOn: aCanvas
super drawOn: aCanvas.
(self perform: ('face', dieValue asString) asSymbol)
perform: [:aPointPair | self drawLineOn: aCanvas from: aPointPair first to:
aPointPair second]


drawLineOn: aCanvas from: aPoint to: anotherPoint
line: aPoint to: anotherPoint width: 2 color: Color black.


{{2@2. 2@10}. {2@2. 10@2}. {10@10. 2@10}. {10@10. 10@2}}


{{2@2. 2@10}. {2@2. 10@2}. {10@10. 2@10}. {10@10. 10@2}}

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Bert
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 2:00 PM
To: A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions about
Subject: Re: [Newbies] Drawing a line on a morph

On 30.10.2009, at 11:52, Christine Wolfe wrote:

> drawOn: aCanvas
> super drawOn: aCanvas.
> (self perform: ('face', dieValue asString) asSymbol)
> do: [{:aPoint, anotherPoint} | self drawLineOn: aCanvas from: aPoint  
> to: anotherPoint]

In my version of Squeak this won't even compile.

How did you accept that method?

The curly-bracket array notation can not be used to extract multiple  
arguments. Instead, you would have to do something like this:

[:aPointPair | self drawLineOn: aCanvas from: aPointPair first to:  
aPointPair second]

And secondly, this expression is valid syntactically but does not do  
what you might expect:

> face1
> ^{{2@2, 2@10}, {2@2, 10@2}, {10@10, 2@10}, {10@10, 10@2}}

In non-literal Array notation, expressions must be separated by  
periods, not commas:

{{2@2. 2@10}. {2@2. 10@2}. {10@10, 2@10}. {10@10. 10@2}}

The way you would verify a line like this or your's above is you  
simply select it and press cmd-p so it will print the result. You can  
do this in any browser or workspace.

- Bert -

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Re: Drawing a line on a morph

K. K. Subramaniam
In reply to this post by Christine Wolfe
On Friday 30 October 2009 11:41:23 pm Christine Wolfe wrote:
> I tried it but the debugger says it doesn't understand drawFace1: I've
> double and triple checked and drawFace1: is there.
The drawFace1 selector needs a ':' at the end. My mistake. The corrected
statement is:
  self perform: ('drawFace', dieValue asString, ':') asSymbol with: aCanvas

Sorry .. Subbu
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