Al importar a Pharo, obtuve el siguiente error
resolveLink: aString
"Resolve the link. Text before an optional '|' is used as the visible
If it is an image url which is then embedded the text before '|' is
resolved to a link for the image."
| parts uurl rooted u string |
parts := aString findTokens: '|'.
parts size = 1
ifTrue:[u := string := aString]
ifFalse: [u := parts at: 2. string := parts at: 1].
self extractCodeFrom: u block: [:url :class |
Cannot store into ->url := model urlForLink: url. ³Fijarse el error
que aparece²
uurl := url asUppercase.
rooted := self isStringRooted: uurl.
url := rooted ifFalse: [base, '/', url] ifTrue: [url].
(rooted not and: [self isStringFlash: uurl])
ifTrue: [(parts size = 1)
ifFalse:[^self localFlashURL: url string: string]
ifTrue: [^self localFlashURL: url string: nil]].
(self isStringAnImage: uurl) ifTrue: ["Looks like an image URL"
(parts size = 1)
ifFalse:[^self imageURL: url string: (self urlForString:
string) class: class]
ifTrue: [^self imageURL: url string: nil class: class]]
ifFalse: [^self url: url string: string]]
La pregunta es como reemplazar correctamente ese código