Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS) 2015 | Call for Papers

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Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS) 2015 | Call for Papers

Robert Hirschfeld
                        C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

                        ======== DLS 2015 ===========
                   11th Dynamic Languages Symposium 2015
                               October, 2015
                   Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

                        Co-located with SPLASH 2015
                      In association with ACM SIGPLAN

The 11th Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS) at SPLASH 2015 is the
premier forum for researchers and practitioners to share knowledge and
research on dynamic languages, their implementation, and
applications. The influence of dynamic languages -- from Lisp to
Smalltalk to Python to Javascript -- on real-world practice and
research continues to grow.

DLS 2015 invites high quality papers reporting original research,
innovative contributions, or experience related to dynamic languages,
their implementation, and applications. Accepted papers will be
published in the ACM Digital Library, and freely available for 2 weeks
before and after the event itself.  Areas of interest include but are
not limited to:

    Innovative language features and implementation techniques
    Development and platform support, tools
    Interesting applications
    Domain-oriented programming
    Very late binding, dynamic composition, and run-time adaptation
    Reflection and meta-programming
    Software evolution
    Language symbiosis and multi-paradigm languages
    Dynamic optimization
    Hardware support
    Experience reports and case studies
    Educational approaches and perspectives
    Semantics of dynamic languages

== Invited Speaker ==

DLS is pleased to announce a talk by the following invited speaker:

  Eelco Visser: Declare your Language.

== Submissions and proceedings ==

Submissions should not have been published previously nor under review
at other events. Research papers should describe work that advances
the current state of the art. Experience papers should be of broad
interest and should describe insights gained from substantive
practical applications. The program committee will evaluate each
contributed paper based on its relevance, significance, clarity,
length, and originality.

Papers are to be submitted electronically at
http://www.easychair.org/conferences?conf=dls15 in PDF
format. Submissions must be in the ACM format (see
http://www.sigplan.org/authorInformation.htm) and not exceed 12
pages. Authors are reminded that brevity is a virtue.

DLS 2015 will run a two-phase reviewing process to help authors make
their final papers the best that they can be. After the first round of
reviews, papers will be rejected, conditionally accepted, or
unconditionally accepted. Conditionally accepted papers will be given
a list of issues raised by reviewers. Authors will then submit a
revised version of the paper with a cover letter explaining how they
have or why they have not addressed these issues. The reviewers will
then consider the cover letter and revised paper and recommend final
acceptance or rejection.

Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Important dates

    Abstract Submissions: Sun 7 Jun 2015
    Full Submissions: Sun 15 Jun 2015
    First phase notification: Mon 27 Jul
    Revisions due: Mon 3 Aug
    Final notification: Mon 17 Aug
    Camera ready: Fri 21 21 Aug

Program chair

    Manuel Serrano, Inria Sophia-Antipolis,
        [hidden email]

Program committee

    Carl Friedrich Bolz, DE
    William R. Cook, UTexas, USA
    Jonathan Edwards, MIT, USA
    John Field, Google, USA
    Matt Flatt, USA
    Elisa Gonzalez Boix, Vrije Universiteit, BE
    Robert Hirschfeld, Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam, DE
    Benjamin Livshits, Microsoft, USA
    Crista Lopes, UC Irvine, USA
    Kevin Millikin, Google, DN
    James Noble, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
    Manuel Serrano, Inria, FR (General chair)
    Didier Verna, EPITA, FR
    Jan Vitek, Purdue, USA
    Joe Politz, Brown University, USA
    Olivier Tardieu, IBM, USA

Robert Hirschfeld
[hidden email]