[ELECTION] Candidates finalized

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[ELECTION] Candidates finalized

Göran Krampe
Hi all!

(This day has been hectic for me so sorry for the lateness of things)

All candidates have now announced their candidacy on squeak-dev and this
is the final list in announcement order:

-Craig Latta
-Chris Muller
-Randal Schwartz
-Chris Cunnington
-Colin Putney
-Bert Freudenberg
-Edgar De Cleene
-Levente Uzonyi

The board normally consists of 7 members and since the current board has
not changed this the election will proceed and produce a ranked list so
that one of the candidates will be left out.

The election will start within the hour and ballots will be
automatically sent out. This delay in starting the election will not
change the deadline of the election, it will end as advertised earlier, see:


regards, Göran

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Re: [ELECTION] Candidates finalized

Jecel Assumpcao Jr

> (This day has been hectic for me so sorry for the lateness of things)

Thanks for making this happen, year after year! I consider it to be a
very important aspect of making the Squeak community the nice place that
it is.

-- Jecel