[ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

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[ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko
Please, review the

There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for

A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.

Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:

{ WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
   | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
   registry := class new.
   WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.

   weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
   time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
   weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
   Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
   time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
   time1 @ time2
 {7816@41 . 4114@0}

While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
approach to store objects in one dictionary),
while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.

Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?

I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
of container, no matter how well you protect it.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Hi Igor -

Could you give us a brief explanation about what you did? The bug report
doesn't say much and the benchmark below says even less :-)

   - Andreas

On 3/8/2010 1:31 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> Please, review the
> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7473
> There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for
> language-side.
> A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.
> Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:
> { WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
>     | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
>     registry := class new.
>     WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.
>     weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
>     time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
>     weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
>     Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
>     time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
>     time1 @ time2
> ]
>   {7816@41 . 4114@0}
> While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
> approach to store objects in one dictionary),
> while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
> whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.
> Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
> instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
> Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?
> I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
> It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
> of container, no matter how well you protect it.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> Please, review the
> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7473
> There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for
> language-side.
> A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.
> Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:
> { WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
>   | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
>   registry := class new.
>   WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.
>   weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
>   time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
>   weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
>   Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
>   time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
>   time1 @ time2
> ]
> {7816@41 . 4114@0}
> While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
> approach to store objects in one dictionary),

I took a quick look and found that you omitted the semaphore from
WeakFinalizationRegistry. I think it won't work this way.

> while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
> whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.

That's great.

> Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
> instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
> Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?

I found it strange too, but I think the users of WeakRegistry don't
implement their own #hash and #=, though I didn't check that. Using a
WeakIdentityKeyDictionary could also mean better performance in most

> I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
> It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
> of container, no matter how well you protect it.

I think copy is supported because WeakRegistry is a collection. I wonder
how could you get the unpredictable behavior with the current


> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by Andreas.Raab

On 9 March 2010 00:32, Andreas Raab <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Igor -
> Could you give us a brief explanation about what you did? The bug report
> doesn't say much and the benchmark below says even less :-)

Oh.. sorry for being brief :)

There is a little change, introduced in ObjectMemory>>finalizeReference: oop
method , which:

a) once it detects an oop who having a weak references which just
died, and replaced by nil
b) given oop having at least 2 instance variables (non-weak pointers)
c) a first instance variable points to an object which is an instance
of class , registered as a special object (WeakFinalizer)

if all of these conditions met, then it simply does following:

        list := oop instVarAt: 1.
        list class == WeakFinalizer ifTrue: [
                first := list instVarAt: 1.
                oop instVarAt: 2 put: first.
                list instVarAt: 1 put: oop ]

so, in case if you have a multiple such objects, which holding a weak
refs, and using the same object in 'list',
and then if some (or all of them will have their weak refs gone), then
these objects will be linked to that list:

head := list head.
list head: object.
object next: head.

This means, that list will contain only those objects, which losed a
weak refs during last GC, and so, you don't have to scan all items in
weak container to determine which ones if gone due to GC (like
currently WeakRegistry doing).

> Cheers,
>  - Andreas
> On 3/8/2010 1:31 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> Please, review the
>> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7473
>> There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for
>> language-side.
>> A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.
>> Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:
>> { WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
>>    | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
>>    registry := class new.
>>    WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.
>>    weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
>>    time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
>>    weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
>>    Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
>>    time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
>>    time1 @ time2
>> ]
>>  {7816@41 . 4114@0}
>> While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
>> approach to store objects in one dictionary),
>> while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
>> whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.
>> Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
>> instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
>> Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?
>> I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
>> It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
>> of container, no matter how well you protect it.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi-2

On 9 March 2010 00:44, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> Please, review the
>> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7473
>> There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for
>> language-side.
>> A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.
>> Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:
>> { WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
>>  | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
>>  registry := class new.
>>  WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.
>>  weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
>>  time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
>>  weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
>>  Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
>>  time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
>>  time1 @ time2
>> ]
>> {7816@41 . 4114@0}
>> While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
>> approach to store objects in one dictionary),
> I took a quick look and found that you omitted the semaphore from
> WeakFinalizationRegistry. I think it won't work this way.

The point is, that new implementation don't touching the
'valueDictionary' during finalization,
and therefore from this side, there is no concurrency issues.

Adding/accessing items in the list is not protected. But i think the
main reason why we having a semaphore here is to protect from
interrupts caused by garbage collector and finalization process.
If you think we should also protect it from concurrent access , when
populating it - i could add the semaphores.

>> while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
>> whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.
> That's great.
>> Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
>> instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
>> Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?
> I found it strange too, but I think the users of WeakRegistry don't
> implement their own #hash and #=, though I didn't check that. Using a
> WeakIdentityKeyDictionary could also mean better performance in most cases.
>> I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
>> It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
>> of container, no matter how well you protect it.
> I think copy is supported because WeakRegistry is a collection. I wonder how
> could you get the unpredictable behavior with the current implementation.

well, potentially, it could lead to making finalization twice (by each
registry object), since when you copying registry you doubling the
number of references to all executor objects which is held strongly by

> Levente
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Levente Uzonyi-2
On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> On 9 March 2010 00:44, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>> Please, review the
>>> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7473
>>> There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for
>>> language-side.
>>> A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.
>>> Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:
>>> { WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
>>>  | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
>>>  registry := class new.
>>>  WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.
>>>  weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
>>>  time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
>>>  weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
>>>  Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
>>>  time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
>>>  time1 @ time2
>>> ]
>>> {7816@41 . 4114@0}
>>> While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
>>> approach to store objects in one dictionary),
>> I took a quick look and found that you omitted the semaphore from
>> WeakFinalizationRegistry. I think it won't work this way.
> The point is, that new implementation don't touching the
> 'valueDictionary' during finalization,
> and therefore from this side, there is no concurrency issues.
> Adding/accessing items in the list is not protected. But i think the
> main reason why we having a semaphore here is to protect from
> interrupts caused by garbage collector and finalization process.
> If you think we should also protect it from concurrent access , when
> populating it - i could add the semaphores.
I think it's a must. For example you can always open two sockets or two
files concurrently. Or close one while opening another, etc.

>>> while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
>>> whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.
>> That's great.
>>> Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
>>> instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
>>> Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?
>> I found it strange too, but I think the users of WeakRegistry don't
>> implement their own #hash and #=, though I didn't check that. Using a
>> WeakIdentityKeyDictionary could also mean better performance in most cases.
>>> I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
>>> It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
>>> of container, no matter how well you protect it.
>> I think copy is supported because WeakRegistry is a collection. I wonder how
>> could you get the unpredictable behavior with the current implementation.
> well, potentially, it could lead to making finalization twice (by each
> registry object), since when you copying registry you doubling the
> number of references to all executor objects which is held strongly by
> registry.
I think it's the responsibility of the user of #copy to avoid that. And
the user doesn't have to do much, because the copy is not registered in
WeakArray for finalization, so sending #copy to WeakRegistry won't cause
any harm IMHO.


>> Levente
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by Andreas.Raab
Oh, and this actually an implementation of idea, we discussed earlier


While its not an ephemerons, its much more easier to adopt because
there is no need in making heavy changes to GC.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi-2

2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:

> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> On 9 March 2010 00:44, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>> Please, review the
>>>> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7473
>>>> There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for
>>>> language-side.
>>>> A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.
>>>> Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:
>>>> { WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
>>>>  | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
>>>>  registry := class new.
>>>>  WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.
>>>>  weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
>>>>  time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
>>>>  weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
>>>>  Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
>>>>  time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
>>>>  time1 @ time2
>>>> ]
>>>> {7816@41 . 4114@0}
>>>> While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
>>>> approach to store objects in one dictionary),
>>> I took a quick look and found that you omitted the semaphore from
>>> WeakFinalizationRegistry. I think it won't work this way.
>> The point is, that new implementation don't touching the
>> 'valueDictionary' during finalization,
>> and therefore from this side, there is no concurrency issues.
>> Adding/accessing items in the list is not protected. But i think the
>> main reason why we having a semaphore here is to protect from
>> interrupts caused by garbage collector and finalization process.
>> If you think we should also protect it from concurrent access , when
>> populating it - i could add the semaphores.
> I think it's a must. For example you can always open two sockets or two files concurrently. Or close one while opening another, etc.
No problem, it could be added quite easily.

>>>> while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
>>>> whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.
>>> That's great.
>>>> Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
>>>> instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
>>>> Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?
>>> I found it strange too, but I think the users of WeakRegistry don't
>>> implement their own #hash and #=, though I didn't check that. Using a
>>> WeakIdentityKeyDictionary could also mean better performance in most cases.
>>>> I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
>>>> It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
>>>> of container, no matter how well you protect it.
>>> I think copy is supported because WeakRegistry is a collection. I wonder how
>>> could you get the unpredictable behavior with the current implementation.
>> well, potentially, it could lead to making finalization twice (by each
>> registry object), since when you copying registry you doubling the
>> number of references to all executor objects which is held strongly by
>> registry.
> I think it's the responsibility of the user of #copy to avoid that. And the user doesn't have to do much, because the copy is not registered in WeakArray for finalization, so sending #copy to WeakRegistry won't cause any harm IMHO.

why allowing user to go into absurdly direction? Why just
#shouldNotImplement it?
Do you see any good and practical uses of weakregistry copies?

> Levente

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
Thanks Igor - if you have been implementing what you've described in
this email I'm all for it. Give me a bit of time to review the code
since this stuff can be tricky.

One thing I do recall and that you may want to check is that testing
class membership can be tricky during GC - in fact, the introduction of
a weak format was due to issues with determining the class of some
object correctly. Unfortunately, I do not recall the exact details but
it's worthwhile going through this very carefully and make sure that one
can actually rely on a) the class pointer being valid (and not
substituted while traversing the object) and b) the pointer in splObjs
be valid (and not substituted).

I'll give this special attention while looking through the code.

   - Andreas

On 3/8/2010 3:14 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
> Oh, and this actually an implementation of idea, we discussed earlier
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/vm-dev/2009-April/002572.html
> While its not an ephemerons, its much more easier to adopt because
> there is no need in making heavy changes to GC.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> 2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>> On 9 March 2010 00:44, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>>> Please, review the
>>>>> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7473
>>>>> There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for
>>>>> language-side.
>>>>> A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.
>>>>> Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:
>>>>> { WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
>>>>>  | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
>>>>>  registry := class new.
>>>>>  WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.
>>>>>  weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
>>>>>  time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
>>>>>  weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
>>>>>  Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
>>>>>  time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
>>>>>  time1 @ time2
>>>>> ]
>>>>> {7816@41 . 4114@0}
>>>>> While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
>>>>> approach to store objects in one dictionary),
>>>> I took a quick look and found that you omitted the semaphore from
>>>> WeakFinalizationRegistry. I think it won't work this way.
>>> The point is, that new implementation don't touching the
>>> 'valueDictionary' during finalization,
>>> and therefore from this side, there is no concurrency issues.
>>> Adding/accessing items in the list is not protected. But i think the
>>> main reason why we having a semaphore here is to protect from
>>> interrupts caused by garbage collector and finalization process.
>>> If you think we should also protect it from concurrent access , when
>>> populating it - i could add the semaphores.
>> I think it's a must. For example you can always open two sockets or two files concurrently. Or close one while opening another, etc.
> No problem, it could be added quite easily.
>>>>> while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
>>>>> whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.
>>>> That's great.
>>>>> Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
>>>>> instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
>>>>> Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?
>>>> I found it strange too, but I think the users of WeakRegistry don't
>>>> implement their own #hash and #=, though I didn't check that. Using a
>>>> WeakIdentityKeyDictionary could also mean better performance in most cases.
>>>>> I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
>>>>> It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
>>>>> of container, no matter how well you protect it.
>>>> I think copy is supported because WeakRegistry is a collection. I wonder how
>>>> could you get the unpredictable behavior with the current implementation.
>>> well, potentially, it could lead to making finalization twice (by each
>>> registry object), since when you copying registry you doubling the
>>> number of references to all executor objects which is held strongly by
>>> registry.
>> I think it's the responsibility of the user of #copy to avoid that. And the user doesn't have to do much, because the copy is not registered in WeakArray for finalization, so sending #copy to WeakRegistry won't cause any harm IMHO.
> why allowing user to go into absurdly direction? Why just
> #shouldNotImplement it?
> Do you see any good and practical uses of weakregistry copies?
I don't see any use of it, but someone else may. We allow everyone to
evaluate Object superclass: Object, even though we know that it will crash
the system.


>> Levente
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko

2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:

> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> 2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>> On 9 March 2010 00:44, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>>>> Please, review the
>>>>>> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7473
>>>>>> There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for
>>>>>> language-side.
>>>>>> A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.
>>>>>> Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:
>>>>>> { WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
>>>>>>  | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
>>>>>>  registry := class new.
>>>>>>  WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.
>>>>>>  weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
>>>>>>  time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
>>>>>>  weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
>>>>>>  Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
>>>>>>  time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
>>>>>>  time1 @ time2
>>>>>> ]
>>>>>> {7816@41 . 4114@0}
>>>>>> While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
>>>>>> approach to store objects in one dictionary),
>>>>> I took a quick look and found that you omitted the semaphore from
>>>>> WeakFinalizationRegistry. I think it won't work this way.
>>>> The point is, that new implementation don't touching the
>>>> 'valueDictionary' during finalization,
>>>> and therefore from this side, there is no concurrency issues.
>>>> Adding/accessing items in the list is not protected. But i think the
>>>> main reason why we having a semaphore here is to protect from
>>>> interrupts caused by garbage collector and finalization process.
>>>> If you think we should also protect it from concurrent access , when
>>>> populating it - i could add the semaphores.
>>> I think it's a must. For example you can always open two sockets or two files concurrently. Or close one while opening another, etc.
>> No problem, it could be added quite easily.
>>>>>> while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
>>>>>> whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.
>>>>> That's great.
>>>>>> Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
>>>>>> instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
>>>>>> Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?
>>>>> I found it strange too, but I think the users of WeakRegistry don't
>>>>> implement their own #hash and #=, though I didn't check that. Using a
>>>>> WeakIdentityKeyDictionary could also mean better performance in most cases.
>>>>>> I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
>>>>>> It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
>>>>>> of container, no matter how well you protect it.
>>>>> I think copy is supported because WeakRegistry is a collection. I wonder how
>>>>> could you get the unpredictable behavior with the current implementation.
>>>> well, potentially, it could lead to making finalization twice (by each
>>>> registry object), since when you copying registry you doubling the
>>>> number of references to all executor objects which is held strongly by
>>>> registry.
>>> I think it's the responsibility of the user of #copy to avoid that. And the user doesn't have to do much, because the copy is not registered in WeakArray for finalization, so sending #copy to WeakRegistry won't cause any harm IMHO.
>> why allowing user to go into absurdly direction? Why just
>> #shouldNotImplement it?
>> Do you see any good and practical uses of weakregistry copies?
> I don't see any use of it, but someone else may. We allow everyone to evaluate Object superclass: Object, even though we know that it will crash the system.

Well, if someone cares, then he actually can make own registry class,
which allows copying. But why we should care, by leaving a potential
security hole open?
I don't think that this is normal to rely on good manners of users and
expect them to not attempt to do something wrong. In contrast, a
protocols and interfaces should discourage user from abuse. At least,
an author could state where it is safe to use and where is not.
A copy protocol for weak registry is far from being safe.
In that situation is better to generate an error, indicating that such
use is not foreseen by author, rather than trying to implement
something which 'possibly could work' :)

> Levente
>>> Levente
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by Andreas.Raab

On 9 March 2010 02:06, Andreas Raab <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Thanks Igor - if you have been implementing what you've described in this
> email I'm all for it. Give me a bit of time to review the code since this
> stuff can be tricky.
> One thing I do recall and that you may want to check is that testing class
> membership can be tricky during GC - in fact, the introduction of a weak
> format was due to issues with determining the class of some object
> correctly. Unfortunately, I do not recall the exact details but it's
> worthwhile going through this very carefully and make sure that one can
> actually rely on a) the class pointer being valid (and not substituted while
> traversing the object) and b) the pointer in splObjs be valid (and not
> substituted).
> I'll give this special attention while looking through the code.

Yes, this is a biggest of my concern.

Also maybe i should use a #longAt:put: , or uncheckedXXX put: (forgot
the selector)
instead of
self storePointer: 1 ofObject: oop withValue:

because storePointer using the possibleRootStoreIntoValue(), which
could have unwanted effects :)

Maybe it could help you with analyzis:
 - the code touching a strong references , where all of them is
already marked as reachable
(because oop is reachable, and hence the list ivar, and hence the
list's 'first' ivar).
So, its only rearranging them a bit, but doesn't making none of them
unreachable, or even worse - making an already non-reachable object be
reachable again.

- the weak finalization check runs during sweep phase before
compaction. Which means, that objects is not changing their locations
during that phase.

> Cheers,
>  - Andreas
> On 3/8/2010 3:14 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> Oh, and this actually an implementation of idea, we discussed earlier
>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/vm-dev/2009-April/002572.html
>> While its not an ephemerons, its much more easier to adopt because
>> there is no need in making heavy changes to GC.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko

On 9 March 2010 02:45, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 9 March 2010 02:06, Andreas Raab <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Thanks Igor - if you have been implementing what you've described in this
>> email I'm all for it. Give me a bit of time to review the code since this
>> stuff can be tricky.
>> One thing I do recall and that you may want to check is that testing class
>> membership can be tricky during GC - in fact, the introduction of a weak
>> format was due to issues with determining the class of some object
>> correctly. Unfortunately, I do not recall the exact details but it's
>> worthwhile going through this very carefully and make sure that one can
>> actually rely on a) the class pointer being valid (and not substituted while
>> traversing the object) and b) the pointer in splObjs be valid (and not
>> substituted).
>> I'll give this special attention while looking through the code.
> Yes, this is a biggest of my concern.
> Also maybe i should use a #longAt:put: , or uncheckedXXX put: (forgot
> the selector)
> instead of
> self storePointer: 1 ofObject: oop withValue:
> because storePointer using the possibleRootStoreIntoValue(), which
> could have unwanted effects :)
> Maybe it could help you with analyzis:
>  - the code touching a strong references , where all of them is
> already marked as reachable
> (because oop is reachable, and hence the list ivar, and hence the
> list's 'first' ivar).
> So, its only rearranging them a bit, but doesn't making none of them
> unreachable, or even worse - making an already non-reachable object be
> reachable again.
> - the weak finalization check runs during sweep phase before
> compaction. Which means, that objects is not changing their locations
> during that phase.
Few more word:
i assuming that accessing special objects oop is safe, because of
given line of code:
self longAt: oop + i put: nilObj.

nilObj is a special object, extracted from special objects array for
efficiency. And while it is safe to use it in that way (by replacing a
weak ref by nil), then i think it is safe to use any other object from
special objects array.
But maybe i wrong :)

>> Cheers,
>>  - Andreas
>> On 3/8/2010 3:14 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>> Oh, and this actually an implementation of idea, we discussed earlier
>>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/vm-dev/2009-April/002572.html
>>> While its not an ephemerons, its much more easier to adopt because
>>> there is no need in making heavy changes to GC.
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> 2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>> 2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>>>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>>> On 9 March 2010 00:44, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>>>>> Please, review the
>>>>>>> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7473
>>>>>>> There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for
>>>>>>> language-side.
>>>>>>> A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.
>>>>>>> Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:
>>>>>>> { WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
>>>>>>>  | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
>>>>>>>  registry := class new.
>>>>>>>  WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.
>>>>>>>  weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
>>>>>>>  time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
>>>>>>>  weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
>>>>>>>  Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
>>>>>>>  time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
>>>>>>>  time1 @ time2
>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>> {7816@41 . 4114@0}
>>>>>>> While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
>>>>>>> approach to store objects in one dictionary),
>>>>>> I took a quick look and found that you omitted the semaphore from
>>>>>> WeakFinalizationRegistry. I think it won't work this way.
>>>>> The point is, that new implementation don't touching the
>>>>> 'valueDictionary' during finalization,
>>>>> and therefore from this side, there is no concurrency issues.
>>>>> Adding/accessing items in the list is not protected. But i think the
>>>>> main reason why we having a semaphore here is to protect from
>>>>> interrupts caused by garbage collector and finalization process.
>>>>> If you think we should also protect it from concurrent access , when
>>>>> populating it - i could add the semaphores.
>>>> I think it's a must. For example you can always open two sockets or two files concurrently. Or close one while opening another, etc.
>>> No problem, it could be added quite easily.
>>>>>>> while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
>>>>>>> whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.
>>>>>> That's great.
>>>>>>> Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
>>>>>>> instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
>>>>>>> Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?
>>>>>> I found it strange too, but I think the users of WeakRegistry don't
>>>>>> implement their own #hash and #=, though I didn't check that. Using a
>>>>>> WeakIdentityKeyDictionary could also mean better performance in most cases.
>>>>>>> I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
>>>>>>> It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
>>>>>>> of container, no matter how well you protect it.
>>>>>> I think copy is supported because WeakRegistry is a collection. I wonder how
>>>>>> could you get the unpredictable behavior with the current implementation.
>>>>> well, potentially, it could lead to making finalization twice (by each
>>>>> registry object), since when you copying registry you doubling the
>>>>> number of references to all executor objects which is held strongly by
>>>>> registry.
>>>> I think it's the responsibility of the user of #copy to avoid that. And the user doesn't have to do much, because the copy is not registered in WeakArray for finalization, so sending #copy to WeakRegistry won't cause any harm IMHO.
>>> why allowing user to go into absurdly direction? Why just
>>> #shouldNotImplement it?
>>> Do you see any good and practical uses of weakregistry copies?
>> I don't see any use of it, but someone else may. We allow everyone to evaluate Object superclass: Object, even though we know that it will crash the system.
> Well, if someone cares, then he actually can make own registry class,
> which allows copying. But why we should care, by leaving a potential
> security hole open?
> I don't think that this is normal to rely on good manners of users and
> expect them to not attempt to do something wrong. In contrast, a
> protocols and interfaces should discourage user from abuse. At least,
> an author could state where it is safe to use and where is not.
> A copy protocol for weak registry is far from being safe.
> In that situation is better to generate an error, indicating that such
> use is not foreseen by author, rather than trying to implement
> something which 'possibly could work' :)
I still don't see how is it unsafe.


>> Levente
>>>> Levente
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko

2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:

> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> 2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>> 2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>>>>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>>>> On 9 March 2010 00:44, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>>>>>> Please, review the
>>>>>>>> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7473
>>>>>>>> There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for
>>>>>>>> language-side.
>>>>>>>> A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.
>>>>>>>> Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:
>>>>>>>> { WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
>>>>>>>>  | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
>>>>>>>>  registry := class new.
>>>>>>>>  WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.
>>>>>>>>  weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
>>>>>>>>  time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
>>>>>>>>  weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
>>>>>>>>  Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
>>>>>>>>  time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
>>>>>>>>  time1 @ time2
>>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>>> {7816@41 . 4114@0}
>>>>>>>> While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
>>>>>>>> approach to store objects in one dictionary),
>>>>>>> I took a quick look and found that you omitted the semaphore from
>>>>>>> WeakFinalizationRegistry. I think it won't work this way.
>>>>>> The point is, that new implementation don't touching the
>>>>>> 'valueDictionary' during finalization,
>>>>>> and therefore from this side, there is no concurrency issues.
>>>>>> Adding/accessing items in the list is not protected. But i think the
>>>>>> main reason why we having a semaphore here is to protect from
>>>>>> interrupts caused by garbage collector and finalization process.
>>>>>> If you think we should also protect it from concurrent access , when
>>>>>> populating it - i could add the semaphores.
>>>>> I think it's a must. For example you can always open two sockets or two files concurrently. Or close one while opening another, etc.
>>>> No problem, it could be added quite easily.
>>>>>>>> while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
>>>>>>>> whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.
>>>>>>> That's great.
>>>>>>>> Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
>>>>>>>> instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
>>>>>>>> Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?
>>>>>>> I found it strange too, but I think the users of WeakRegistry don't
>>>>>>> implement their own #hash and #=, though I didn't check that. Using a
>>>>>>> WeakIdentityKeyDictionary could also mean better performance in most cases.
>>>>>>>> I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
>>>>>>>> It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
>>>>>>>> of container, no matter how well you protect it.
>>>>>>> I think copy is supported because WeakRegistry is a collection. I wonder how
>>>>>>> could you get the unpredictable behavior with the current implementation.
>>>>>> well, potentially, it could lead to making finalization twice (by each
>>>>>> registry object), since when you copying registry you doubling the
>>>>>> number of references to all executor objects which is held strongly by
>>>>>> registry.
>>>>> I think it's the responsibility of the user of #copy to avoid that. And the user doesn't have to do much, because the copy is not registered in WeakArray for finalization, so sending #copy to WeakRegistry won't cause any harm IMHO.
>>>> why allowing user to go into absurdly direction? Why just
>>>> #shouldNotImplement it?
>>>> Do you see any good and practical uses of weakregistry copies?
>>> I don't see any use of it, but someone else may. We allow everyone to evaluate Object superclass: Object, even though we know that it will crash the system.
>> Well, if someone cares, then he actually can make own registry class,
>> which allows copying. But why we should care, by leaving a potential
>> security hole open?
>> I don't think that this is normal to rely on good manners of users and
>> expect them to not attempt to do something wrong. In contrast, a
>> protocols and interfaces should discourage user from abuse. At least,
>> an author could state where it is safe to use and where is not.
>> A copy protocol for weak registry is far from being safe.
>> In that situation is better to generate an error, indicating that such
>> use is not foreseen by author, rather than trying to implement
>> something which 'possibly could work' :)
> I still don't see how is it unsafe.

A simple copy is fine. A copy, which then registered in weak
dependents creating a problem.

I even think that weak registry should not behave as collection at all,
and having only #add: method, with no ability to remove items.

The only use of #remove: i see is in Socket and StandardFileStream,
which implement #unregister: in own class side.

Now , if you look at my implementation, you could see that there is a
way to completely avoid the need in removing items from a
valueDictionary which is pairs of  <weakref> -> <executor>.

A solution:
- add a 'finalizer' ivar to Socket/StandardFileStream
- by registering a socket in registry, retrieve an instance of
WeakFinalizerItem as a result of registration and store it into
'finalizer' ivar.

- on #destroy, simply nil-out all of the finalizer's ivars, so there
is no chances that once socket become garbage, it will trigger an
executor's #finalize method, which were registered previously in

- forget about removing the finalizer manually from registry, because
an instance of WeakFinalizerItem which is held by 'valueDictionary' in
registry will eventually be reclaimed, once dictionary will discover
that corresponding key is nil.

What you think?

> Levente

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
On 3/8/2010 4:45 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> On 9 March 2010 02:06, Andreas Raab<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>> Thanks Igor - if you have been implementing what you've described in this
>> email I'm all for it. Give me a bit of time to review the code since this
>> stuff can be tricky.
>> One thing I do recall and that you may want to check is that testing class
>> membership can be tricky during GC - in fact, the introduction of a weak
>> format was due to issues with determining the class of some object
>> correctly. Unfortunately, I do not recall the exact details but it's
>> worthwhile going through this very carefully and make sure that one can
>> actually rely on a) the class pointer being valid (and not substituted while
>> traversing the object) and b) the pointer in splObjs be valid (and not
>> substituted).
>> I'll give this special attention while looking through the code.
> Yes, this is a biggest of my concern.

You know what, I've been looking at it and it looks safe to me. I also
remembered why it was originally unsafe - it wasn't sweep phase that's
the problem it is mark phase, where the headers get replaced you can't
do a proper class membership test (but you need to avoid tracing weak
references). During sweep, where you hook in, there is no such problem.

> Also maybe i should use a #longAt:put: , or uncheckedXXX put: (forgot
> the selector) instead of self storePointer: 1 ofObject: oop withValue:
> because storePointer using the possibleRootStoreIntoValue(), which
> could have unwanted effects :)

I think using storePointer:ofObject:withValue is the right thing to do.
The roots table will be cleared if this happens during fullGC, but if
this happens during IGC, and either list or finalizer are old, then they
must be properly recorded as root.

> Maybe it could help you with analyzis:
>   - the code touching a strong references , where all of them is
> already marked as reachable
> (because oop is reachable, and hence the list ivar, and hence the
> list's 'first' ivar).
> So, its only rearranging them a bit, but doesn't making none of them
> unreachable, or even worse - making an already non-reachable object be
> reachable again.

Yes, that sounds right.

> - the weak finalization check runs during sweep phase before
> compaction. Which means, that objects is not changing their locations
> during that phase.

It sounds good to me. I *really* like how small the changes are - it
makes it much easier to verify correctness. I think what we should be
doing is build VMs to test it and run it for a while (which is easy
enough between us).

BTW, one tiny thing we'll have to fix is to add a test for splObj array
- the way the code is written right now it could run afoul of an old
image that doesn't have anything registered as ClassWeakFinalizer.

But other than that, great job!

   - Andreas

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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko

On 9 March 2010 10:41, Andreas Raab <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 3/8/2010 4:45 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> On 9 March 2010 02:06, Andreas Raab<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>> Thanks Igor - if you have been implementing what you've described in this
>>> email I'm all for it. Give me a bit of time to review the code since this
>>> stuff can be tricky.
>>> One thing I do recall and that you may want to check is that testing
>>> class
>>> membership can be tricky during GC - in fact, the introduction of a weak
>>> format was due to issues with determining the class of some object
>>> correctly. Unfortunately, I do not recall the exact details but it's
>>> worthwhile going through this very carefully and make sure that one can
>>> actually rely on a) the class pointer being valid (and not substituted
>>> while
>>> traversing the object) and b) the pointer in splObjs be valid (and not
>>> substituted).
>>> I'll give this special attention while looking through the code.
>> Yes, this is a biggest of my concern.
> You know what, I've been looking at it and it looks safe to me. I also
> remembered why it was originally unsafe - it wasn't sweep phase that's the
> problem it is mark phase, where the headers get replaced you can't do a
> proper class membership test (but you need to avoid tracing weak
> references). During sweep, where you hook in, there is no such problem.
>> Also maybe i should use a #longAt:put: , or uncheckedXXX put: (forgot
>> the selector) instead of self storePointer: 1 ofObject: oop withValue:
>> because storePointer using the possibleRootStoreIntoValue(), which
>> could have unwanted effects :)
> I think using storePointer:ofObject:withValue is the right thing to do. The
> roots table will be cleared if this happens during fullGC, but if this
> happens during IGC, and either list or finalizer are old, then they must be
> properly recorded as root.
>> Maybe it could help you with analyzis:
>>  - the code touching a strong references , where all of them is
>> already marked as reachable
>> (because oop is reachable, and hence the list ivar, and hence the
>> list's 'first' ivar).
>> So, its only rearranging them a bit, but doesn't making none of them
>> unreachable, or even worse - making an already non-reachable object be
>> reachable again.
> Yes, that sounds right.
>> - the weak finalization check runs during sweep phase before
>> compaction. Which means, that objects is not changing their locations
>> during that phase.
> It sounds good to me. I *really* like how small the changes are - it makes
> it much easier to verify correctness. I think what we should be doing is
> build VMs to test it and run it for a while (which is easy enough between
> us).
> BTW, one tiny thing we'll have to fix is to add a test for splObj array -
> the way the code is written right now it could run afoul of an old image
> that doesn't have anything registered as ClassWeakFinalizer.
in old images it will read a value beyond the splObj oop,
so, its maybe worth adding back the splObj size check before reading this value.

But then it is compared with
(self fetchClassOf: listOop) == (self splObj: ClassWeakFinalizer)

so, what chances that both these values , accidentially will be same ,
when we reading at wrong slot of special objects array?
In most cases, a word, which you reading past the object contents is a
header of the following oop
which can be either a free chunk, or valid object header.
So, i think they are very small.

> But other than that, great job!
> Cheers,
>  - Andreas

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> 2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>> Well, if someone cares, then he actually can make own registry class,
>>> which allows copying. But why we should care, by leaving a potential
>>> security hole open?
>>> I don't think that this is normal to rely on good manners of users and
>>> expect them to not attempt to do something wrong. In contrast, a
>>> protocols and interfaces should discourage user from abuse. At least,
>>> an author could state where it is safe to use and where is not.
>>> A copy protocol for weak registry is far from being safe.
>>> In that situation is better to generate an error, indicating that such
>>> use is not foreseen by author, rather than trying to implement
>>> something which 'possibly could work' :)
>> I still don't see how is it unsafe.
> A simple copy is fine. A copy, which then registered in weak
> dependents creating a problem.
> I even think that weak registry should not behave as collection at all,
> and having only #add: method, with no ability to remove items.
> The only use of #remove: i see is in Socket and StandardFileStream,
> which implement #unregister: in own class side.
> Now , if you look at my implementation, you could see that there is a
> way to completely avoid the need in removing items from a
> valueDictionary which is pairs of  <weakref> -> <executor>.
> A solution:
> - add a 'finalizer' ivar to Socket/StandardFileStream
> - by registering a socket in registry, retrieve an instance of
> WeakFinalizerItem as a result of registration and store it into
> 'finalizer' ivar.
> - on #destroy, simply nil-out all of the finalizer's ivars, so there
> is no chances that once socket become garbage, it will trigger an
> executor's #finalize method, which were registered previously in
> registry.
> - forget about removing the finalizer manually from registry, because
> an instance of WeakFinalizerItem which is held by 'valueDictionary' in
> registry will eventually be reclaimed, once dictionary will discover
> that corresponding key is nil.
> What you think?

I took a deeper look and found that WeakFinalizationRegistry doesn't
support multiple finalizers per object. It does what WeakRegistry did
before: throw away the previous finalizer and replace it with a new one.

I like the current features of WeakRegistry (removing, adding, multiple
finalizers per object) and I think it's easy to modify it to use your vm

I don't really like your suggestion for files and sockets, but it's

I was thinking about a simpler registry which would use an
OrderedCollection instead of a WeakKeyDictionary. It'd need a new
instance variable in WeakFinalizerItem (though it can be another
class/subclass too) which would store the index of the finalizer in this
OrderedCollection. It wouldn't have #do:, #keys or #remove:ifAbsent:
(though all of them could be implemented) and #add: wouldn't replace
existing finalizers, but just add them to the registry.
This would have a bit better performance, simpler implementation and less
features. But if you don't need #remove:, i'm sure it'd fit your needs.
(It's a bit tricky though. Your socket/file ideas wouldn't work out of the
box, because all of the WeakFinalizerItems would have to be removed from
the OrderedCollecion somehow to avoid leaking memory. One solution would
be to add it to the list on "remove" (when replacing the ivars with nil),
another would be to remove it from the OrderedCollection by index,
but the items don't know their collection so it would need another ivar).

All in all, I'd keep WeakRegistry with the current features and optionally
add a new simpler and faster registry if needed.


>> Levente
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko

On 10 March 2010 04:34, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> 2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>> Well, if someone cares, then he actually can make own registry class,
>>>> which allows copying. But why we should care, by leaving a potential
>>>> security hole open?
>>>> I don't think that this is normal to rely on good manners of users and
>>>> expect them to not attempt to do something wrong. In contrast, a
>>>> protocols and interfaces should discourage user from abuse. At least,
>>>> an author could state where it is safe to use and where is not.
>>>> A copy protocol for weak registry is far from being safe.
>>>> In that situation is better to generate an error, indicating that such
>>>> use is not foreseen by author, rather than trying to implement
>>>> something which 'possibly could work' :)
>>> I still don't see how is it unsafe.
>> A simple copy is fine. A copy, which then registered in weak
>> dependents creating a problem.
>> I even think that weak registry should not behave as collection at all,
>> and having only #add: method, with no ability to remove items.
>> The only use of #remove: i see is in Socket and StandardFileStream,
>> which implement #unregister: in own class side.
>> Now , if you look at my implementation, you could see that there is a
>> way to completely avoid the need in removing items from a
>> valueDictionary which is pairs of  <weakref> -> <executor>.
>> A solution:
>> - add a 'finalizer' ivar to Socket/StandardFileStream
>> - by registering a socket in registry, retrieve an instance of
>> WeakFinalizerItem as a result of registration and store it into
>> 'finalizer' ivar.
>> - on #destroy, simply nil-out all of the finalizer's ivars, so there
>> is no chances that once socket become garbage, it will trigger an
>> executor's #finalize method, which were registered previously in
>> registry.
>> - forget about removing the finalizer manually from registry, because
>> an instance of WeakFinalizerItem which is held by 'valueDictionary' in
>> registry will eventually be reclaimed, once dictionary will discover
>> that corresponding key is nil.
>> What you think?
> I took a deeper look and found that WeakFinalizationRegistry doesn't support
> multiple finalizers per object. It does what WeakRegistry did before: throw
> away the previous finalizer and replace it with a new one.
> I like the current features of WeakRegistry (removing, adding, multiple
> finalizers per object) and I think it's easy to modify it to use your vm
> support.

Sure, support for multiple finalizers per object could be added. But
as to me, this looks like an over-engineering.

Btw, the current implementation of WeakRegistry is buggy, because of
use non-identity based dictionary.
Try explore contents of it, after evaluating:

10 timesRepeat: [ registry add: (Array with:10) ].
it adds only a single key/value pair into valueDictionary,
while i'd expect to have 10 entries, because i adding 10 distinct array objects.
The flaw in logic is easy to illustrate:

array1 := Array with: 10.
array2 := Array with: 10.

registry add: array1; array2.
array2 at: 1 put: 12.
registry add: array2.

array1 := nil "remove strong reference to array1, while keep it for array2"

The point is, that if two disctinct objects answering true on #= ,
when we adding them to registry
it doesn't means that they will keep to be 'equal' after we added
them, because these objects can mutate.
So, if one of them eventually die, other(s) may still be in use, which
will lead to receiving a death notice to wrong recipient.

> I don't really like your suggestion for files and sockets, but it's doable.
> I was thinking about a simpler registry which would use an OrderedCollection
> instead of a WeakKeyDictionary. It'd need a new instance variable in
> WeakFinalizerItem (though it can be another class/subclass too) which would
> store the index of the finalizer in this OrderedCollection. It wouldn't have
> #do:, #keys or #remove:ifAbsent: (though all of them could be implemented)
> and #add: wouldn't replace existing finalizers, but just add them to the
> registry.
> This would have a bit better performance, simpler implementation and less
> features. But if you don't need #remove:, i'm sure it'd fit your needs.
> (It's a bit tricky though. Your socket/file ideas wouldn't work out of the
> box, because all of the WeakFinalizerItems would have to be removed from the
> OrderedCollecion somehow to avoid leaking memory. One solution would be to
> add it to the list on "remove" (when replacing the ivars with nil), another
> would be to remove it from the OrderedCollection by index, but the items
> don't know their collection so it would need another ivar).
> All in all, I'd keep WeakRegistry with the current features and optionally
> add a new simpler and faster registry if needed.

Yes, i'm also thought about different ways how to organize things in
less memory & CPU hungry manner.
The main role of weak registry is to receive a notification, when
particular object become garbage.
Obviously, for this, we need to store a reference to notification
handler (also known as executor) somewhere to
be able to handle it. That's why current implementation using WeakKeyDictionary.
Once such notification is handled, we usually no longer need to keep
this object as well (thus we have to remove/unlink it from registry).

My implementation is not perfect, it was mainly a quick and dirty hack
(you pointed on not using semaphores already).
But my intent was mainly to show how to use new VM feature, i added.
So, once it will be approved (i hope) and adopted, we could implement
things properly.

> Levente

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Igor Stasenko

On 10 March 2010 05:16, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 10 March 2010 04:34, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>> 2010/3/9 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
>>>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>>> Well, if someone cares, then he actually can make own registry class,
>>>>> which allows copying. But why we should care, by leaving a potential
>>>>> security hole open?
>>>>> I don't think that this is normal to rely on good manners of users and
>>>>> expect them to not attempt to do something wrong. In contrast, a
>>>>> protocols and interfaces should discourage user from abuse. At least,
>>>>> an author could state where it is safe to use and where is not.
>>>>> A copy protocol for weak registry is far from being safe.
>>>>> In that situation is better to generate an error, indicating that such
>>>>> use is not foreseen by author, rather than trying to implement
>>>>> something which 'possibly could work' :)
>>>> I still don't see how is it unsafe.
>>> A simple copy is fine. A copy, which then registered in weak
>>> dependents creating a problem.
>>> I even think that weak registry should not behave as collection at all,
>>> and having only #add: method, with no ability to remove items.
>>> The only use of #remove: i see is in Socket and StandardFileStream,
>>> which implement #unregister: in own class side.
>>> Now , if you look at my implementation, you could see that there is a
>>> way to completely avoid the need in removing items from a
>>> valueDictionary which is pairs of  <weakref> -> <executor>.
>>> A solution:
>>> - add a 'finalizer' ivar to Socket/StandardFileStream
>>> - by registering a socket in registry, retrieve an instance of
>>> WeakFinalizerItem as a result of registration and store it into
>>> 'finalizer' ivar.
>>> - on #destroy, simply nil-out all of the finalizer's ivars, so there
>>> is no chances that once socket become garbage, it will trigger an
>>> executor's #finalize method, which were registered previously in
>>> registry.
>>> - forget about removing the finalizer manually from registry, because
>>> an instance of WeakFinalizerItem which is held by 'valueDictionary' in
>>> registry will eventually be reclaimed, once dictionary will discover
>>> that corresponding key is nil.
>>> What you think?
>> I took a deeper look and found that WeakFinalizationRegistry doesn't support
>> multiple finalizers per object. It does what WeakRegistry did before: throw
>> away the previous finalizer and replace it with a new one.
>> I like the current features of WeakRegistry (removing, adding, multiple
>> finalizers per object) and I think it's easy to modify it to use your vm
>> support.
> Sure, support for multiple finalizers per object could be added. But
> as to me, this looks like an over-engineering.
> Btw, the current implementation of WeakRegistry is buggy, because of
> use non-identity based dictionary.
> Try explore contents of it, after evaluating:
> 10 timesRepeat: [ registry add: (Array with:10) ].
> it adds only a single key/value pair into valueDictionary,
> while i'd expect to have 10 entries, because i adding 10 distinct array objects.
> The flaw in logic is easy to illustrate:
> array1 := Array with: 10.
> array2 := Array with: 10.
> registry add: array1; array2.

oops, the line above should be:

registry add: array1; add: array2.

> array2 at: 1 put: 12.
> registry add: array2.
> array1 := nil "remove strong reference to array1, while keep it for array2"
> The point is, that if two disctinct objects answering true on #= ,
> when we adding them to registry
> it doesn't means that they will keep to be 'equal' after we added
> them, because these objects can mutate.
> So, if one of them eventually die, other(s) may still be in use, which
> will lead to receiving a death notice to wrong recipient.
>> I don't really like your suggestion for files and sockets, but it's doable.
>> I was thinking about a simpler registry which would use an OrderedCollection
>> instead of a WeakKeyDictionary. It'd need a new instance variable in
>> WeakFinalizerItem (though it can be another class/subclass too) which would
>> store the index of the finalizer in this OrderedCollection. It wouldn't have
>> #do:, #keys or #remove:ifAbsent: (though all of them could be implemented)
>> and #add: wouldn't replace existing finalizers, but just add them to the
>> registry.
>> This would have a bit better performance, simpler implementation and less
>> features. But if you don't need #remove:, i'm sure it'd fit your needs.
>> (It's a bit tricky though. Your socket/file ideas wouldn't work out of the
>> box, because all of the WeakFinalizerItems would have to be removed from the
>> OrderedCollecion somehow to avoid leaking memory. One solution would be to
>> add it to the list on "remove" (when replacing the ivars with nil), another
>> would be to remove it from the OrderedCollection by index, but the items
>> don't know their collection so it would need another ivar).
>> All in all, I'd keep WeakRegistry with the current features and optionally
>> add a new simpler and faster registry if needed.
> Yes, i'm also thought about different ways how to organize things in
> less memory & CPU hungry manner.
> The main role of weak registry is to receive a notification, when
> particular object become garbage.
> Obviously, for this, we need to store a reference to notification
> handler (also known as executor) somewhere to
> be able to handle it. That's why current implementation using WeakKeyDictionary.
> Once such notification is handled, we usually no longer need to keep
> this object as well (thus we have to remove/unlink it from registry).
> My implementation is not perfect, it was mainly a quick and dirty hack
> (you pointed on not using semaphores already).
> But my intent was mainly to show how to use new VM feature, i added.
> So, once it will be approved (i hope) and adopted, we could implement
> things properly.
>> Levente
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.