ESUG Konferenz: Student Volunteers

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ESUG Konferenz: Student Volunteers

Marcus Denker

Ein Hinweis fuer alle Studenten: Bei der ESUG Konferenz in Koethen (11  
- 12 September 2004)  gibt es wieder
ein "Student Volunteer" Program: 

|You are a student and you want to attend ESUG Joint Event, the first  
European Conference on Smalltalk? ESUG has again a student volunteer
|program so you can attend the conference for free.
| For volunteers, the attendance to the conference will be free and  
possibly the hosting will be also free depending on the number of  
|Your duties will be low. You will have to help a bit the local  
organizers (setting up badges, taking pictures of attendees and  
speakers, taking
|care of room keys, ...).
|Note that ESUG will not pay travel expenses. But, for students that  
cannot afford the traveling cost we may setting up a private
| sponsoring program, some companies are ready to sponsor some  
students. But nothing is sure yet.
| Pay attention! The number of places is limited. Do not wait the last  
minute to register! Submit a request before the 1st of July by sending  
| mail to Olivier Nano and Stéphane Ducasse. Please explain clearly  
your situation and your motivation (fill the template below).
