Edgar J. De Cleene shared a Medium story with you

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Edgar J. De Cleene shared a Medium story with you

Español (Spanish) mailing list
Edgar J. De Cleene (https://medium.com/@morplenauta?source=emailShare-dbfb14ec7a41-1425375527433?source=emailShare-dbfb14ec7a41-1425375527433) shared a Medium story with you. Edgar J. De Cleene


Como siempre, los alemanes tienen palabras ntraducibles y geniales

How Silicon Valley controls our future (https://medium.com/change-objects/translated-the-world-government-how-silicon-valley-controls-our-future-59f6ccfcc27e?source=emailShare-dbfb14ec7a41-1425375527433) Oh, My! (https://medium.com/change-objects/translated-the-world-government-how-silicon-valley-controls-our-future-59f6ccfcc27e?source=emailShare-dbfb14ec7a41-1425375527433) Jeff Jarvis (https://medium.com/@jeffjarvis?source=emailShare-dbfb14ec7a41-1425375527433?source=emailShare-dbfb14ec7a41-1425375527433) in Fear and Technopanic (https://medium.com/change-objects?source=emailShare-dbfb14ec7a41-1425375527433?source=emailShare-dbfb14ec7a41-1425375527433)

Just 12 hours ago, I posted a brief piece about the continuing Europtechnopanic in Germany and the effort of publishers there to blame their every trouble on Google—even the so-called sin of free content and the price of metaphoric wurst. ¶

Now Germany one-ups even itself with the most amazing specimen of Europtechnopanic I have yet seen. The cover of Der Spiegel, the country’s most important news outlet, makes the titans of Silicon Valley look dark, wicked, and, well—I just don’t know how…

Continue reading: https://medium.com/change-objects/translated-the-world-government-how-silicon-valley-controls-our-future-59f6ccfcc27e?source=emailShare-dbfb14ec7a41-1425375527433
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Re: Edgar J. De Cleene shared a Medium story with you

Español (Spanish) mailing list
 > Translated: THE WORLD GOVERNMENT How Silicon Valley controls our future

En realidad deberia decir "como nosotros mismos les damos poder a otros
sobre nuestro futuro".

On 3/3/15 1:38 , 'Edgar J. De Cleene' [hidden email] [squeakRos]
>     Translated: THE WORLD GOVERNMENT How Silicon Valley controls our
>     future
>     <https://medium.com/change-objects/translated-the-world-government-how-silicon-valley-controls-our-future-59f6ccfcc27e?source=emailShare-dbfb14ec7a41-1425375527433>
>           <https://medium.com/change-objects/translated-the-world-government-how-silicon-valley-controls-our-future-59f6ccfcc27e?source=emailShare-dbfb14ec7a41-1425375527433>