Elearning squeak

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Elearning squeak

Hello all, 

I am a returning (read:old) student trying to pick up a bit of programming knowledge. I'm looking for online lessons, preferably class lectures (like Berkeley does for Scheme) or some other video or audio learning aids such as podcasts. 

Is there a central repository for Squeak learning links somewhere that I have missed in my searches? 

I have the Learn Programming with Robots book, but it seems a bit too basic for my tastes,  recommendations fpor other texts would be appreciated as well. Is there something along the lines of a first year CS textbook focused on Squeak? 



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Re: Elearning squeak

Paul DeBruicker
thegreenman wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am a returning (read:old) student trying to pick up a bit of
> programming knowledge. I'm looking for online lessons, preferably class
> lectures (like Berkeley does for Scheme) or some other video or audio
> learning aids such as podcasts.
> Is there a central repository for Squeak learning links somewhere that I
> have missed in my searches?
> I have the Learn Programming with Robots book, but it seems a bit too
> basic for my tastes,  recommendations fpor other texts would be
> appreciated as well. Is there something along the lines of a first year
> CS textbook focused on Squeak?
> Thanks,
> Chris

No videos or podcasts that I'm aware of, but that doesn't mean they
don't exist.

there's the list of free, previously published, books kept here:

and some additional tutorials (from

You could do worse than to start with either Squeak By Example or Pharo
By Example

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