Empty string isallDigits?

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Empty string isallDigits?

Herbert König

is there a reason why String>>isAllDigits should return true on an
empty String?

I think that HierarchicalUrl>>privateInitializeFromText: would be
affected to now store '' as the port vs. later throw error: 'invalid
port number'.

It breaks no test so I could publish it to the inbox.


Herbert                          mailto:[hidden email]

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Re: Empty string isallDigits?

On 5/19/2010 10:16 PM, Herbert König wrote:

> Hi,
> is there a reason why String>>isAllDigits should return true on an
> empty String?
> I think that HierarchicalUrl>>privateInitializeFromText: would be
> affected to now store '' as the port vs. later throw error: 'invalid
> port number'.
> It breaks no test so I could publish it to the inbox.

Absolutely, go for it.

   - Andreas

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Re: Empty string isallDigits?

Herbert König
Hello Andreas,

AR> Absolutely, go for it.

the inbox has a new Collections-hk360 which makes
String>>isAllDigits return false on empty stings and a new
CollectionsTests-hk163 with a test for this method.

