Enumerate Package Versions

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Enumerate Package Versions

Rob Rothwell
How can I enumerate the Packages I have loaded to increase my bug reporting abilities without having to type all the package versions I have?

I tried 

     PackageInfo allPackages do: [:each | Transcript show: each packageName; cr]., 

but that only gets me the base package name, not the one with versions which shows up in Monticello.

An instance of PackageInfo doesn't seem to have a version that I can find.

Thanks...I have tried figuring out how Monticello is doing it, but just can't seem to find it...


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Re: Enumerate Package Versions

Bert Freudenberg

On 29.03.2008, at 20:42, Rob Rothwell wrote:
> How can I enumerate the Packages I have loaded to increase my bug  
> reporting abilities without having to type all the package versions  
> I have?
> Thanks...I have tried figuring out how Monticello is doing it, but  
> just can't seem to find it...

MCWorkingCopy allManagers collect: [:each | each ancestry  

- Bert -

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Re: Enumerate Package Versions

Rob Rothwell
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
MCWorkingCopy allManagers collect: [:each | each ancestry

Thank you.  I wish I could follow the thought process you used to figure that out!  It would have taken me a long time to get to "MCWorkingCopy allManagers."

That seems to have NOTHING to do with "List the current system packages!"

I assume you were able to find this because you understand how Monticello thinks...


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Re: Enumerate Package Versions

> >

> > MCWorkingCopy allManagers collect: [:each | each ancestry
> > ancestorString]
> >
> Thank you.  I wish I could follow the thought process you used to figure
> that out!  It would have taken me a long time to get to "MCWorkingCopy
> allManagers."
> That seems to have NOTHING to do with "List the current system packages!"
> I assume you were able to find this because you understand how Monticello
> thinks...
not really necessary...

I once find that by myself by exploring the morph model in an opened
monticello browser...
I center click to open halos on morph until plugableListMorphPlus is
selected, then debug icon, then inspect model and it open an inspector
on aMCWorkingCopy... Then I chose explore and look for the monticello
version string (wich is called ancestorString).

Not easy but I start to get used to find such information...  just
need to be well awake ;)


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Re: Enumerate Package Versions

Rob Rothwell
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 5:48 PM, cdrick <[hidden email]> wrote:
not really necessary...

I once find that by myself by exploring the morph model in an opened
monticello browser...

That makes sense...

I center click to open halos on morph until plugableListMorphPlus is
selected, then debug icon, then inspect model and it open an inspector
on aMCWorkingCopy...

1.  I center click twice until I have selected pluggableListMorphPlus
2.  debug>inspect model
3.  Which gives me a MCWorkingCopyBrowser
4.  Ok...If I "explore" workingCopy...
Then I chose explore and look for the monticello
version string (wich is called ancestorString).

Whereas I would have struggled to find allManagers and would have had a hard time getting past:

(workingCopy ancestors at: 1) name, which of course doesn't always work!

Not easy but I start to get used to find such information...  just
need to be well awake ;)

Man.  "Zen and the art of Smalltalk Programming... "

You guys are amazing!


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Re: Enumerate Package Versions

2008/3/30, Rob Rothwell <[hidden email]>:

> On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 8:02 PM, cdrick <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >
> > Zen is a good word :) always have to think...before thinking object ;)
> Very nice.  I have always imagined Smalltalk to be like the place before
> thought...just another path to enlightenment!  However, I would not say that
> I have, as yet, experienced satori!
> > This makes me wander where could we add such fonctionnality (pretty
> > common I think) so that there is an option in monticelle menus so
> > display such information (with possible restrictions to repositories).
> > Where this responsability belong ?
> Actually, I WAS looking for an option in the Monticello context menu before
> I asked for help.

classic ;)

> With help, I recently extended an Omnibrowser context menu, but I bet
> Monticello is separate...

depends, where exactly ?
I'm sure this is something that should be added somewhere.
What others think ?

> Rob
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Re: Enumerate Package Versions

> depends, where exactly ?
>  I'm sure this is something that should be added somewhere.
>  What others think ?

One more thing...

What I do for such information (as lots of people out there I guess)
is having a Personnal Utility class where I put such methods ( often
class side like for instance #listOmnibrowserPackages). Then
monticello help keeping it avalaible for all my new images. A precious
ressource would be to share such utilities (do we need a model ? maybe
only a web app that shows them?). Ramon image for instance has lots of



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Re: Enumerate Package Versions

Bert Freudenberg
In reply to this post by cedreek
On 30.03.2008, at 14:32, cdrick wrote:

> 2008/3/30, Rob Rothwell <[hidden email]>:
>> On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 8:02 PM, cdrick <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> This makes me wander where could we add such fonctionnality (pretty
>>> common I think) so that there is an option in monticelle menus so
>>> display such information (with possible restrictions to  
>>> repositories).
>>> Where this responsability belong ?
>> Actually, I WAS looking for an option in the Monticello context  
>> menu before
>> I asked for help.
> classic ;)

Err, now that would have been much easier: Bring up the halo for the  
Monticello Browser's package list (cmd-click twice), click the halo  
icon, choose "copy & print ...", then "copy text", and paste wherever  
you like. Like so:

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* MenuUI (MenuUI-mpm.87)
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* Morphic (Morphic-ar.17)
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- Bert -

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Re: Enumerate Package Versions

Rob Rothwell
On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 9:37 AM, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
Err, now that would have been much easier: Bring up the halo for the
Monticello Browser's package list (cmd-click twice), click the halo
icon, choose "copy & print ...", then "copy text", and paste wherever
you like. Like so:

Guess that's why this is the Beginners List!  (A FRIENDLY place to get answers...!)

Yes...someone can walk me through adding a new context menu item to the OmniBrowser, and I can't "copy text!"


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