Hi list,
I opened the last squeak-dev image and after updating the packages from the net, select upgrades, and install selected. Now, If I open a Preferences Browser, I get DNU. I don't know if this was reported, Some weeks without read the list. This is the log. Error: MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>pixelValueForDepth: 22 July 2007 1:03:15 am VM: Mac OS - a SmalltalkImage Image: Squeak3.9 [latest update: #7067] SecurityManager state: Restricted: false FileAccess: true SocketAccess: true Working Dir /Users/glpunzi/Desarrollo/estable Trusted Dir /foobar/tooBar/forSqueak/bogus Untrusted Dir /Users/glpunzi/Library/Preferences/Squeak/Internet/My Squeak UndefinedObject(Object)>>error: Receiver: nil Arguments and temporary variables: aString: 'MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>pixelValueForDepth:' Receiver's instance variables: nil [] in WorldState>>displayWorldSafely: {[:err :rcvr | errCtx := thisContext. [errCtx := errCtx sender. [errCtx no...]} Arguments and temporary variables: aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] err: 'MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>pixelValueForDepth:' rcvr: nil errCtx: LazyListMorph>>display:atRow:on: errMorph: a LazyListMorph(3977) BlockContext>>valueWithPossibleArgs: Receiver: [] in WorldState>>displayWorldSafely: {[:err :rcvr | errCtx := thisContext. [errCtx := e...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: anArray: #('MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>pixelValueForDepth:' nil) Receiver's instance variables: sender: BlockContext>>valueWithPossibleArgs: pc: 121 stackp: 0 nargs: 2 startpc: 74 home: WorldState>>displayWorldSafely: [] in BlockContext>>ifError: {[:ex | errorHandlerBlock valueWithPossibleArgs: {ex description. ex receiver}]} Arguments and temporary variables: errorHandlerBlock: [] in WorldState>>displayWorldSafely: {[:err :rcvr | errCtx...etc... ex: MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>pixelValueForDepth: --- The full stack --- UndefinedObject(Object)>>error: [] in WorldState>>displayWorldSafely: {[:err :rcvr | errCtx := thisContext. [errCtx := errCtx sender. [errCtx no...]} BlockContext>>valueWithPossibleArgs: [] in BlockContext>>ifError: {[:ex | errorHandlerBlock valueWithPossibleArgs: {ex description. ex receiver}]} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BlockContext>>valueWithPossibleArgs: [] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: {[(self tempAt: 2) valueWithPossibleArgs: {exception}]} BlockContext>>ensure: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>signal UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #pixelValueForDepth: DisplayScreen(Form)>>pixelValueFor: GrafPort(BitBlt)>>installStrikeFont:foregroundColor:backgroundColor: GrafPort>>installStrikeFont:foregroundColor:backgroundColor: StrikeFontSet>>installOn:foregroundColor:backgroundColor: FormCanvas>>drawString:from:to:in:font:color: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>drawString:in:font:color: LazyListMorph>>display:atRow:on: LazyListMorph>>drawOn: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>draw: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>drawMorph: [] in LazyListMorph(Morph)>>fullDrawOn: {[(aCanvas isVisible: self bounds) ifTrue: [aCanvas drawMorph: self]. self...]} FormCanvas>>roundCornersOf:in:during: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>roundCornersOf:during: LazyListMorph(Morph)>>fullDrawOn: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>fullDraw: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>fullDrawMorph: [] in TransformMorph>>drawSubmorphsOn: {[:m | myCanvas fullDrawMorph: m]} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>reverseDo: [] in TransformMorph>>drawSubmorphsOn: {[:myCanvas | submorphs reverseDo: [:m | myCanvas fullDrawMorph: m]]} FormCanvas>>transformBy:clippingTo:during:smoothing: TransformMorph>>drawSubmorphsOn: [] in TransformMorph(Morph)>>fullDrawOn: {[(aCanvas isVisible: self bounds) ifTrue: [aCanvas drawMorph: self]. self...]} FormCanvas>>roundCornersOf:in:during: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>roundCornersOf:during: TransformMorph(Morph)>>fullDrawOn: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>fullDraw: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>fullDrawMorph: [] in PluggableListMorph(Morph)>>drawSubmorphsOn: {[:m | canvas fullDrawMorph: m]} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>reverseDo: [] in PluggableListMorph(Morph)>>drawSubmorphsOn: {[:canvas | submorphs reverseDo: [:m | canvas fullDrawMorph: m]]} PluggableListMorph(Morph)>>drawSubmorphsOn: [] in PluggableListMorph(Morph)>>fullDrawOn: {[(aCanvas isVisible: self bounds) ifTrue: [aCanvas drawMorph: self]. self...]} FormCanvas>>roundCornersOf:in:during: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>roundCornersOf:during: PluggableListMorph(Morph)>>fullDrawOn: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>fullDraw: FormCanvas(Canvas)>>fullDrawMorph: [] in Morph>>drawSubmorphsOn: {[:m | canvas fullDrawMorph: m]} ...etc... Cheers. |
Hi Giuseppe,
2007/7/22, Giuseppe Luigi Punzi Ruiz <[hidden email]>: > I opened the last squeak-dev image and after updating the packages > from the net, select upgrades, and install selected. > > Now, If I open a Preferences Browser, I get DNU. I can't reproduce it. -- Damien Cassou |
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