Errored: OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm#1343 (Cog - d0c7f21)

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Errored: OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm#1343 (Cog - d0c7f21)

Travis CI




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clock icon23 mins and 41 secs

akgrant43 avatarakgrant43

Merge pull request #261 from akgrant43/travis_update

Run "apt-get update" on debian platforms to ensure the package cache is up to date, and avoid errors similar to:

E: Failed to fetch http://package.deb 404 Not Found [IP: a.b.c.d]

This issue was documented on the Travis CI status page ( on May 9:

"We have changed the build script to not default to running apt-get update for the time being, unless we're able to auto-detect that your build uses apt-get install. If your build requires it in other ways, please do opt in via .travis.yml. The build log gives instructions on how to opt in."

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