10 mins and 55 secs
Eliot Miranda
CogVM source as per VMMaker.oscog-eem.2394
Sista V1 Bytecode Set/Full Blocks: Fixed a bug in frameless full blocks (fetching receiver from receiver index in FullBlock and not outerContext)
SpurSelectiveCompactor: Add a guard to followForwardingPointersInStackZone: to avoid scanning the stack zone when it is empty because the system is snapshotting.
Added segmentOverlap assertions and debugging convenience.
Add optional read barrier for temp vector accesses (TempVectReadBarrier Slang to C compilation settings)
Plugins General: Added #methodReturnReceiver, another methodReturn* method, that pops argumentCount elements from the stack, leaving only the receiver there
BitBltPlugin: Don't fail primitiveDisplayString for empty strings (still validates fully).
FilePlugin: Use methodReturn***: instead of pop: + push***:. Change the primitiveFileDescriptorType to return the file descriptor type instead of just 0 or 1 Eliminate obsolete accessor (to get rid of a cCode:inSmalltalk:).
MiscPrimitivePlugin: - somewhat decreased the overhead of the primitive calls by trying to minimize interpreterProxy function calls - primitiveFindFirstInString: - eliminated the start variable - fail with PrimErrBadIndex if the start index argument is invalid (<= 0) - primitiveFindSubstring - fail with PrimErrBadArgument if matchTable is too short - primitiveIndexOfAsciiInString - fail with PrimErrBadIndex if the start index argument is invalid (<= 0) - primitiveStringHash - eliminated the byteArraySize variable - moved the masking out of the loop, so it's only evaluated once - primitiveTranslateStringWithTable - fail with PrimErrBadIndex if the start or stop index argument is invalid (<= 0, >= size respectively) - primitiveConvert8BitSigned - added primitive error codes
Slang: Trust config.h more. It declares when to include dlfcn and takes care of _GNU_SOURCE.
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