Errored: OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm#1836 (Cog - 0fd4781)

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Errored: OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm#1836 (Cog - 0fd4781)

Travis CI




branch iconCog

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clock icon1 hr, 4 mins, and 19 secs

Revert "Don't allow newspeak x64 failures, but allow squeak.cog.v3 macos32x86"

This reverts commit b2dc466ac2aa4dc7cece63a6eea271492d51ceb1.

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<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "EmailMessage", "action": { "@type": "ViewAction", "url": ";utm_source=email", "name": "View Build" }, "description": "View Build #1836 on Travis CI" } </script>
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Re: Errored: OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm#1836 (Cog - 0fd4781)

Nicolas Cellier
Bad news: the Semaphore would never be signalled in case of an expired delay with my first fix
Good news: the CI had the good idea to fail and let me discover my mistake :) - not obvious, it's an heisenbug!

Le sam. 26 oct. 2019 à 23:51, Travis CI <[hidden email]> a écrit :




branch iconCog

arrow to build time
clock icon1 hr, 4 mins, and 19 secs

Revert "Don't allow newspeak x64 failures, but allow squeak.cog.v3 macos32x86"

This reverts commit b2dc466ac2aa4dc7cece63a6eea271492d51ceb1.

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