Excluding an autogenerated methods from MC package. How?

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Excluding an autogenerated methods from MC package. How?

Igor Stasenko
Hello all,

say, i have some methods having automatically generated sources, and i
want them to be
not included into a package, since they are generated/refreshed
anyways once package loaded.
Is there a way to tell MC
1. to exclude such methods, when writing a package
2. to ignore any changes to these methods and don't mark a package as dirty

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: Excluding an autogenerated methods from MC package. How?

Bert Freudenberg
On 21.05.2010, at 14:49, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> Hello all,
> say, i have some methods having automatically generated sources, and i
> want them to be
> not included into a package, since they are generated/refreshed
> anyways once package loaded.
> Is there a way to tell MC
> 1. to exclude such methods, when writing a package
> 2. to ignore any changes to these methods and don't mark a package as dirty
> ?

Put them in a category named *autogenerated.

(IMHO we should do this with the preference accessors)

- Bert -