Experimental Cocoa OS-X based Squeak Cog JIT VM 5.8b10

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Experimental Cocoa OS-X based Squeak Cog JIT VM 5.8b10

I've stuck a version (5.8b10) of the cocoa based os-x squeak cog JIT based VM in my experimental folder.


Changes are:

(a) Fix issue with timezone calculation on file creation and modification timestamps.
(b) Fix a crash with sqInt ioSetCursor() which calls ioSetCursorWithMask() with a NULL mask value  which it did not handle correctly.

Based on feedback I wil produce a non-cog VM 5.7x  and push that as the approved for regular use os-x/iOS VM on the weekend.

John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]>   Twitter:  squeaker68882
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.  http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com

smime.p7s (5K) Download Attachment