Exupery 0.10 is nearly ready.

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Exupery 0.10 is nearly ready.

Bryce Kampjes

It passes all it's tests and it also passes the stress test without
any compiler errors. This is a first, until now the stress test only
passed without crashing, a few methods failed to compile due to caught
compiler bugs.

Here's some performance figures:
arithmaticLoopBenchmark 1401 compiled   92 ratio: 15.228
bytecodeBenchmark 2139 compiled  459 ratio:  4.660
sendBenchmark 1580 compiled  683 ratio:  2.313
doLoopsBenchmark 1093 compiled  843 ratio:  1.297
largeExplorers 344 compiled  373 ratio:  0.922
compilerBenchmark 739 compiled  691 ratio:  1.069
Cumulative Time 4205 compiled 1443 ratio   2.914

I'm now trying to build a 3.9 Exupery image on top of the squeak-dev
images. If it works, I'll add it to the release.

The release is on SqueakMap but not yet published.


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