Eye Candy today at 4pm EST - HIGH RESOLUTION AVATARS, OBJECTS, AND ENVIRONMENTS [Immersive Education in-world MEETING and DEMOS]

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Eye Candy today at 4pm EST - HIGH RESOLUTION AVATARS, OBJECTS, AND ENVIRONMENTS [Immersive Education in-world MEETING and DEMOS]

Aaron E. Walsh
Greetings once more; below are details on our in-world ad-hoc meeting and
demonstration session today. We'll be joined by Dr. H. Nicholas Nagel who
will discuss open art paths and professional 3D content development tools such
as Maya, Max, and Blender. Aside from a rich trove of eye candy (see the videos
and images at http://ImmersiveEducation.org/events/) we'll have an opportunity
to talk about how high resolution graphics can have a significant positive
impact on immersive learning experiences. Regards, Aaron


Visit http://ImmersiveEducation.org/events/ for this event page,
meeting materials (such as images and videos) and additional details

WHAT: High resolution avatars, objects, and environments [MEETING & DEMOS]
WHEN: FRIDAY April 25, 2008 from 4-5pm EST
WHERE: http://slurl.com/secondlife/research%20center/122/142/651

.:: join the Immersive Education Second Life GROUP for in-world event  ::.
.:: invitations (see http://immersiveeducation.org/events/#join_group) ::.

Join us in the graphics sphere at Oddfellow Studios to discuss how high
resolution graphics will soon transform Immersive Education. Support for high
resolution avatars, objects and environments is a requirement for the next
generation (3rd generation) of Immersive Education that is now under
development. During this meeting we'll discuss and see examples of: high
resolution avatars; high resolution objects and environments; photo-based
modeling technology that enables high resolution avatars to be automatically
created from a photograph of your face; current and next generation graphics
rendering engines and game engines; open file formats and open art paths that

See Meeting Materials at http://ImmersiveEducation.org/events/ for details,
images and videos related to this in-world meeting.

This meeting starts at 4pm EST (1pm pacific / Second Life time) and ends at 5pm
EST, with additional time beyond that allocated to questions and further

Visit http://ImmersiveEducation.org/events/ for this event page,
meeting materials (such as images and videos) and additional details

Media Grid: http://MediaGrid.org
Immersive Education: http://ImmersiveEducation.org
Personal page: http://gridinstitute.com/people/aew/
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Deja vu - RAIN DAY 2! (Re: Eye Candy today at 4pm EST - HIGH RESOLUTION AVATARS, OBJECTS, AND ENVIRONMENTS [Immersive Education in-world MEETING and DEMOS]

Aaron E. Walsh
Deja vu?

Hello everyone, if you've been trying to join our meeting in Second Life we've officially called this one on account of digital rain as well. Here's a note I wrote to one of our group members just moments ago summarizing this unfortunate case of deja vu... Julian, can you make the rain cloud on your blog *bigger* and *darker* this time around?!  Second time's not a charm, by any stretch of the imagination:

Hi Suzi, it looks like we have rain day #2 now -- all of Second Life is down, and as result we'll need to reschedule today's event. Starting next month we'll have early-stage nodes (servers) on the Education Grid going live, allowing us to host events on our own servers (with backup nodes for redundancy), but until then our Second Life meetings are unfortunately subject to outages such as this. Here's the post made earlier today about the outage that has us rescheduling today's in-world meeting:
Teeple Linden teeple at lindenlab.com
Fri Apr 25 13:06:54 PDT 2008

Logins have temporarily been restricted to staff-only as Operations
addresses a slowdown in the asset system. We’ve also broadcast a request
in world for residents who are currently logged in to refrain from
manipulating or transferring assets. We’ll have more info ASAP.

I'll circulate an updated schedule after talking with our guest speaker today and the speakers for next week's event (we may shift this meeting to next week, or the week after next depending on our guest speaker schedules).

 |  On Fri, 25 Apr 2008 10:47:13 -0400
 |  "Aaron E. Walsh" <[hidden email]> wrote:
 |  Greetings once more; below are details on our in-world ad-hoc meeting and
 |  demonstration session today. We'll be joined by Dr. H. Nicholas Nagel who
 |  will discuss open art paths and professional 3D content development tools such
 |  as Maya, Max, and Blender. Aside from a rich trove of eye candy (see the videos
 |  and images at http://ImmersiveEducation.org/events/) we'll have an opportunity
 |  to talk about how high resolution graphics can have a significant positive
 |  impact on immersive learning experiences. Regards, Aaron
 |  ...........................................................................
 |  Visit http://ImmersiveEducation.org/events/ for this event page,
 |  meeting materials (such as images and videos) and additional details
 |  ...........................................................................
 |  WHAT: High resolution avatars, objects, and environments [MEETING & DEMOS]
 |  WHEN: FRIDAY April 25, 2008 from 4-5pm EST
 |  WHERE: http://slurl.com/secondlife/research%20center/122/142/651
 |  .:: join the Immersive Education Second Life GROUP for in-world event  ::.
 |  .:: invitations (see http://immersiveeducation.org/events/#join_group) ::.
 |  Join us in the graphics sphere at Oddfellow Studios to discuss how high
 |  resolution graphics will soon transform Immersive Education. Support for high
 |  resolution avatars, objects and environments is a requirement for the next
 |  generation (3rd generation) of Immersive Education that is now under
 |  development. During this meeting we'll discuss and see examples of: high
 |  resolution avatars; high resolution objects and environments; photo-based
 |  modeling technology that enables high resolution avatars to be automatically
 |  created from a photograph of your face; current and next generation graphics
 |  rendering engines and game engines; open file formats and open art paths that
 |  See Meeting Materials at http://ImmersiveEducation.org/events/ for details,
 |  images and videos related to this in-world meeting.
 |  This meeting starts at 4pm EST (1pm pacific / Second Life time) and ends at 5pm
 |  EST, with additional time beyond that allocated to questions and further
 |  discussion.
 |  ...........................................................................
 |  Visit http://ImmersiveEducation.org/events/ for this event page,
 |  meeting materials (such as images and videos) and additional details
 |  ...........................................................................
 |  --
 |  Media Grid: http://MediaGrid.org
 |  Immersive Education: http://ImmersiveEducation.org
 |  Personal page: http://gridinstitute.com/people/aew/

Boston College: http://bc.edu
Media Grid: http://MediaGrid.org
Immersive Education: http://ImmersiveEducation.org
Personal page: http://gridinstitute.com/people/aew/