FFI: ConfigurationOfFFI-mt.48.mcz

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FFI: ConfigurationOfFFI-mt.48.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of ConfigurationOfFFI to project FFI:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ConfigurationOfFFI-mt.48
Author: mt
Time: 27 May 2021, 10:50:35.693247 am
UUID: fe464aa3-711b-d546-8175-4a47a301f668
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfFFI-mt.47

Fixes FFI loading based on Monticello-mt.748 in Squeak 6.0alpha.

=============== Diff against ConfigurationOfFFI-mt.47 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ConfigurationOfFFI>>version20: (in category 'versions') -----
  version20: spec
  <version: '2.0' imports: #('2.0-baseline')>
  spec for: #common do: [
  blessing: #release;
  package: 'FFI-Pools' with: 'FFI-Pools-mt.30';
+ package: 'FFI-Kernel' with: 'FFI-Kernel-mt.175';
- package: 'FFI-Kernel' with: 'FFI-Kernel-mt.174';
  package: 'FFI-Libraries' with: 'FFI-Libraries-mt.1';
  package: 'FFI-Callbacks' with: 'FFI-Callbacks-mt.20'; "Not compatible with Alien."
  package: 'FFI-Tools' with: 'FFI-Tools-mt.37';
  package: 'FFI-Tests' with: 'FFI-Tests-mt.50';
  package: 'FFI-PoolsTests' with: 'FFI-PoolsTests-mt.11';
  package: 'FFI-CallbacksTests' with: 'FFI-CallbacksTests-mt.1'].!