FFI Documentation

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FFI Documentation

Torsten Bergmann
>I want to get this info into the help system and/or collaborative book, as
>similar questions pop up regularly on the lists.

Hi Sean,

Here is the compiled book - see the attached MCZ. Just file it in.
If you continue with it it would be good to upload it
to the FFI repository at

We can then also add it to the ConfigurationOfFFI.


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FFI-Help-tbn.1.mcz (9K) Download Attachment
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Re: FFI Documentation

On 5/20/2010 1:11 PM, Torsten Bergmann wrote:
>> I want to get this info into the help system and/or collaborative book, as
>> similar questions pop up regularly on the lists.
> Hi Sean,
> Here is the compiled book - see the attached MCZ. Just file it in.
> If you continue with it it would be good to upload it
> to the FFI repository at http://source.squeakfoundation.org/FFI

Please do!

   - Andreas