Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Kernel to project FFI: Summary ====================
Name: FFI-Kernel-mt.115
Author: mt
Time: 19 June 2020, 10:00:32.312059 am
UUID: a0910ccc-0785-b74c-adab-b65816499d7e
Ancestors: FFI-Kernel-mt.114
Try to deal with the issue of having the wrong generated code present in the image.
(1) Avoid checking in generated field accessors via Monticello by putting them into *'autogenerated - accessing' instead of 'accessing' category
(2) Expand the #generated rule to also generate field accessors if the selector is not yet present (or if <generated> is found if present). That rule is used when re-compiling all struct fields on a platform change. See #compileAllFields.
So, you can still choose to manually manage field accessors by adding them in your own 'accessing' category and removing the <generated> pragma. But then you would be on your own. :-)
=============== Diff against FFI-Kernel-mt.114 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>maybeCompileAccessor:withSelector: (in category 'field definition - support') -----
maybeCompileAccessor: aString withSelector: selector
(self compiledMethodAt: selector ifAbsent: []) ifNotNil:
existingMethod getSourceFromFile asString = aString ifTrue:
+ self compile: aString classified: #'*autogenerated - accessing'!
- self compile: aString classified: #accessing!
Item was changed:
----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>shouldGenerate:policy: (in category 'field definition - support') -----
shouldGenerate: fieldname policy: aSymbol
"Answer true if the field accessors must be compiled.
Do so according to the following rules:
- aSymbol = #always always generate the accessors
- aSymbol = #never never generate the accessors
- aSymbol = #generated only re-generate the auto-generated accessors
- aSymbol = #absent only generate the absent accessors"
aSymbol = #never ifTrue: [^ false].
aSymbol = #always ifTrue: [^ true].
aSymbol = #absent ifTrue: [^ (self methodDictionary includesKey: fieldname) not].
+ aSymbol = #generated "includes #absent rule"
+ ifTrue: [^ (self methodDictionary includesKey: fieldname) not
+ or: [(self methodDictionary at: fieldname) hasPragma: #generated]].
- aSymbol = #generated
- ifTrue: [^ (self methodDictionary includesKey: fieldname)
- and: [(self methodDictionary at: fieldname) pragmas
- anySatisfy: [:p | p keyword = #generated]]].
self error: 'unknown generation policy'!