Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Kernel to project FFI: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: FFI-Kernel-mt.133 Author: mt Time: 5 May 2021, 6:22:06.654784 pm UUID: 5b4d9432-d53c-424d-9d60-7e9dd5c7ce64 Ancestors: FFI-Kernel-mt.132 Since empty array types such as char[] are not actually supported, e.g., in struct defs, disallow them for now to not deceive users trying to work with them and then wonder about strange results. =============== Diff against FFI-Kernel-mt.132 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ExternalArrayType class>>newTypeForContentType:size: (in category 'instance creation') ----- newTypeForContentType: contentType size: numElements "!!!!!! Be aware that only the pointer type can be used in calls. As of SqueakFFIPrims VMMaker.oscog-eem.2950, there is no actual support for array types in the FFI plugin !!!!!!" | type pointerType headerWord byteSize | self assert: [contentType isPointerType not] description: 'No support for pointers as content type yet!!'. self + assert: [numElements > 0] + description: 'Empty array types are not supported!!'. + + self assert: [contentType byteSize > 0] description: 'Invalid byte size!!'. self assert: [(ArrayTypes includesKey: contentType typeName -> numElements) not] description: 'Array type already exists. Use #typeNamed: to access it.'. type := self "ExternalArrayType" basicNew. pointerType := ExternalType basicNew. "1) Regular type" byteSize := numElements * contentType byteSize. self assert: [byteSize <= FFIStructSizeMask]. headerWord := contentType headerWord. headerWord := headerWord bitClear: FFIStructSizeMask. headerWord := headerWord bitOr: byteSize. type setReferencedType: pointerType; compiledSpec: (WordArray with: headerWord); byteAlignment: contentType byteAlignment; setReferentClass: contentType referentClass; setSize: numElements. "2) Pointer type. Reuse the compiledSpec of the content-type's pointer type." pointerType setReferencedType: type; compiledSpec: contentType asPointerType compiledSpec copy; byteAlignment: contentType asPointerType byteAlignment; setReferentClass: contentType asPointerType referentClass. "3) Remember this new array type." ArrayTypes at: contentType typeName -> numElements put: type. ^ type! Item was changed: ----- Method: ExternalType class>>newTypeNamed: (in category 'instance creation') ----- newTypeNamed: aTypeName "Create a new struct type or array type. Not needed for atomic types; see #initializeDefaultTypes." | structClass arraySpec | self assert: [aTypeName last ~~ $*] description: 'Pointer type will be created automatically'. aTypeName last == $] ifTrue: [ "array type, e.g., char[50]" arraySpec := self parseArrayTypeName: aTypeName. arraySpec second ifNil: [arraySpec at: 2 put: (self newTypeNamed: arraySpec first)]. - arraySpec third ifNil: [arraySpec at: 3 put: 0]. ^ self newTypeForContentType: arraySpec second size: arraySpec third]. structClass := (self environment classNamed: aTypeName) ifNotNil: [:class | (class includesBehavior: ExternalStructure) ifTrue: [class]]. ^ structClass ifNil: [self newTypeForUnknownNamed: aTypeName] ifNotNil: [self newTypeForStructureClass: structClass]! Item was changed: (PackageInfo named: 'FFI-Kernel') postscript: 'Smalltalk removeFromStartUpList: ExternalAddress. Smalltalk removeFromStartUpList: ExternalObject. "Adds housekeeping for array types." + ExternalType resetAllStructureTypes.. - ExternalType resetAllStructureTypes. "Re-generate all field accessors because type checks are now controlled by a new preference." ExternalStructure defineAllFields. '! |
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