Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Kernel to project FFI: Summary ====================
Name: FFI-Kernel-mt.158
Author: mt
Time: 17 May 2021, 12:45:36.337555 pm
UUID: e43bcf87-27f2-f04b-82e6-f350dee91c3a
Ancestors: FFI-Kernel-mt.157
Further fixes for code loading. Sorry for the noise :-(
=============== Diff against FFI-Kernel-mt.157 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>doneCompiling (in category 'class management') -----
"Base class changed to something that is an external structure now."
+ [self compileFields]
+ ifError: [ "Ignore unfinished field specs" ].
+ self externalType isUnknownType
+ ifTrue: [self externalType becomeKnownTypeSafely].!
- [self compileFields] ifError: [ "Ignore unfinished field specs" ].
- self externalType isUnknownType ifTrue: [self externalType becomeKnownType].!
Item was changed:
----- Method: ExternalStructureType class>>newTypeForStructureClass: (in category 'instance creation') -----
newTypeForStructureClass: anExternalStructureClass
| type pointerType referentClass |
referentClass := anExternalStructureClass.
assert: [referentClass includesBehavior: ExternalStructure]
description: 'Wrong base class for structure'.
type := self newTypeForUnknownNamed: referentClass name.
pointerType := type asPointerType.
referentClass compiledSpec
ifNil: [ "First time. The referent class' fields are probably just compiled for the first time."
type setReferentClass: referentClass.
pointerType setReferentClass: referentClass]
ifNotNil: [
type newReferentClass: referentClass.
pointerType newReferentClass: referentClass].
+ ^ type becomeKnownTypeSafely!
- ^ [type becomeKnownType] ifError: [
- self assert: [type isUnknownType].
- type "still unkown"]!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalUnknownType>>becomeKnownTypeSafely (in category 'construction') -----
+ becomeKnownTypeSafely
+ "Give me some purpose. :-)"
+ ^ [self becomeKnownType]
+ on: Error
+ do: [
+ self assert: [self isUnkownType].
+ self].!