Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Kernel to project FFI: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: FFI-Kernel-mt.79 Author: mt Time: 30 May 2020, 4:56:51.283231 pm UUID: 2191ddfe-e9ae-844c-bf19-71cc0ab214dd Ancestors: FFI-Kernel-mt.77 Fixes a bug with wrong byte alignment for double and longlong and ulonglong on 32-bit non-ARM Unix-based platforms. Start documenting Squeak FFI's relationship to "int" and "long" with the flag #ffiLongVsInt. If you spot an implication somewhere, just put this flag in the code. Because byte alignment is stored in atomic types, re-initialize those if the platform changed on image start up. This also affects structure types. (Skip mt.78 because that number rests in our treated inbox for now.) =============== Diff against FFI-Kernel-mt.77 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>install (in category 'system startup') ----- install + "Resume the system on a new platform. Recompile all structures to account for different word size etc." - "Resume the system on a new platform. Recompile all structures to accound for different word size etc." self recompileStructures.! Item was changed: ----- Method: ExternalType class>>initializeAtomicTypes (in category 'class initialization') ----- initializeAtomicTypes "ExternalType initialize" + | atomicType byteSize type typeName byteAlignment | + self flag: #ffiLongVsInt. "For a discussion about long vs. int see" + #( "name atomic id byte size byte alignment" ('void' 0 0 0) ('bool' 1 1 1) ('byte' 2 1 1) ('sbyte' 3 1 1) ('ushort' 4 2 2) ('short' 5 2 2) + "!!!!!!" ('ulong' 6 4 "!!!!!!" 4) + "!!!!!!" ('long' 7 4 "!!!!!!" 4) + ('ulonglong' 8 8 8) "v.i." + ('longlong' 9 8 8) "v.i." - ('ulong' 6 4 4) - ('long' 7 4 4) - ('ulonglong' 8 8 8) - ('longlong' 9 8 8) ('char' 10 1 1) ('schar' 11 1 1) ('float' 12 4 4) + ('double' 13 8 8) "v.i." + "TODO: ('longdouble' 14 10 16? 4?)" - ('double' 13 8 8) ) do:[:typeSpec| | compiled | typeName := typeSpec first. atomicType := typeSpec second. byteSize := typeSpec third. byteAlignment := typeSpec fourth. + + "0) On 32-bits Windows and MacOS, double and long long have an alignment of 8. But on 32-bit Linux, their alignment is 4. But not on a 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS." + (FFIPlatformDescription current wordSize = 4 + and: [FFIPlatformDescription current isUnix + and: [FFIPlatformDescription current isARM not]]) ifTrue: [ + (#('double' 'longlong' 'ulonglong') includes: typeName) ifTrue: [ + byteAlignment := 4]]. + + "1) Regular type" - "On 32 bits Windows and MacOS, double and long have an alignment of 8. But on Linux, their alignment is 4" - (FFIPlatformDescription current wordSize = 4 and: [FFIPlatformDescription current isUnix]) ifTrue: [ - (#('double longlong ulonglong') includes: typeName) ifTrue: [ - byteAlignment := 4 - ] - ]. compiled := WordArray with: ((byteSize bitOr: FFIFlagAtomic) bitOr: (atomicType bitShift: FFIAtomicTypeShift)). type := (AtomicTypes at: typeName). + type + compiledSpec: compiled; - type compiledSpec: compiled; byteAlignment: byteAlignment. + + "2) Pointer type" compiled := WordArray with: ((self pointerSpec bitOr: FFIFlagAtomic) bitOr: (atomicType bitShift: FFIAtomicTypeShift)). type asPointerType byteAlignment: self pointerAlignment; compiledSpec: compiled. ].! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalType class>>platformChangedFrom:to: (in category 'system startup') ----- + platformChangedFrom: lastPlatform to: currentPlatform + "Byte size or byte alignment for atomic types might be different on the new platform." + + self initializeAtomicTypes. + self initializeStructureTypes.! Item was changed: ----- Method: FFIPlatformDescription class>>startUp: (in category 'system startup') ----- startUp: resuming "Notify all FFI classes about platform changes." resuming ifTrue: [ LastPlatform in: [:lastPlatform | self newCurrent in: [:currentPlatform | lastPlatform = currentPlatform ifTrue: [ self flag: #discuss. "mt: Maybe add #platformResuming?" ExternalAddress allBeNull] ifFalse: [ LastPlatform := currentPlatform. "Update now. See #current." + { ExternalType. ExternalAddress. ExternalObject. FFIExternalSharedPool } - self flag: #discuss. "mt: Maybe directly call ExternalStructure?" - { ExternalAddress. ExternalObject. FFIExternalSharedPool } do: [:cls | cls platformChangedFrom: lastPlatform to: currentPlatform] ]]] ].! |
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