Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Kernel to project FFI: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: FFI-Kernel-mt.92 Author: mt Time: 4 June 2020, 7:09:12.449722 pm UUID: d0fd6e1d-8ad7-d14d-b592-f129e45e93cb Ancestors: FFI-Kernel-mt.91 Offer a more obvious way to define type aliases. =============== Diff against FFI-Kernel-mt.91 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>compileFields:withAccessors: (in category 'field definition') ----- compileFields: specArray withAccessors: aSymbol "Compile a type specification for the FFI machinery. Return the newly compiled spec. Eventually generate the field accessors according to following rules: - aSymbol = #always always generate the accessors - aSymbol = #never never generate the accessors - aSymbol = #generated only generate the auto-generated accessors - aSymbol = #absent only generate the absent accessors" | newByteAlignment byteOffset typeSpec newCompiledSpec | + (self isTypeAlias: specArray) ifTrue: - (specArray size > 0 and: [specArray first class ~~ Array]) ifTrue: [^ self compileAlias: specArray withAccessors: aSymbol]. byteOffset := 0. newByteAlignment := self minStructureAlignment. typeSpec := WriteStream on: (WordArray new: 10). typeSpec nextPut: FFIFlagStructure. specArray do: [:spec | | fieldName fieldTypeName isPointerField externalType typeSize fieldAlignment | fieldName := spec first. fieldTypeName := spec second. isPointerField := fieldTypeName last = $*. fieldTypeName := (fieldTypeName findTokens: '*') first withBlanksTrimmed. externalType := (ExternalType typeNamed: fieldTypeName) ifNil: [self errorTypeNotFound: spec second]. isPointerField ifTrue: [externalType := externalType asPointerType]. typeSize := externalType byteSize. fieldAlignment := (externalType byteAlignment max: self minFieldAlignment) min: self maxFieldAlignment. byteOffset := byteOffset alignedTo: fieldAlignment. newByteAlignment := newByteAlignment max: fieldAlignment. spec size > 2 ifTrue: ["extra size" spec third < typeSize ifTrue: [^ self error: 'Explicit type size is less than expected']. typeSize := spec third. ]. (fieldName notNil and: [self shouldGenerate: fieldName policy: aSymbol]) ifTrue: [ self defineFieldAccessorsFor: fieldName startingAt: byteOffset + 1 type: externalType. ]. typeSpec nextPutAll: (externalType embeddedSpecWithSize: typeSize). byteOffset := byteOffset + typeSize. ]. newByteAlignment := newByteAlignment min: self maxStructureAlignment. byteOffset := byteOffset alignedTo: newByteAlignment. newCompiledSpec := typeSpec contents. newCompiledSpec at: 1 put: (byteOffset bitOr: FFIFlagStructure). byteAlignment := newByteAlignment. ^ newCompiledSpec! Item was changed: ----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>isTypeAlias (in category 'testing') ----- isTypeAlias - "Answer whether this structure is an alias for another C type, enum, etc." - "Example: #( nil 'long' )" + ^ self isTypeAlias: self fields! - | fields | - ^ (fields := self fields) size = 2 - and: [fields first isNil]! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>isTypeAlias: (in category 'testing') ----- + isTypeAlias: specArray + "Answer whether this structure is an alias for another C type, enum, etc." + "Example: #( nil 'long' )" + + ^ (specArray size > 0 and: [specArray first class ~~ Array])! Item was added: + ExternalStructure subclass: #ExternalTypeAlias + instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'FFI-Kernel'! + + !ExternalTypeAlias commentStamp: 'mt 6/4/2020 19:02' prior: 0! + You can subclass from here to make type aliasing more clear.! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalTypeAlias class>>fields (in category 'field definition') ----- + fields + + ^ { nil. self originalTypeName }! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalTypeAlias class>>isTypeAlias (in category 'testing') ----- + isTypeAlias + + ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: ExternalTypeAlias class>>originalTypeName (in category 'field definition') ----- + originalTypeName + "Anser the typeName this alias should be for, e.g., 'long', 'ulonglong*', ..." + + self subclassResponsibility.! Item was changed: ----- Method: ExternalUnion class>>compileFields:withAccessors: (in category 'field definition') ----- compileFields: specArray withAccessors: aSymbol "Compile a type specification for the FFI machinery. Return the newly compiled spec. Eventually generate the field accessors according to the policy defined in aSymbol." | byteOffset maxByteSize typeSpec newCompiledSpec newByteAlignment | + (self isTypeAlias: specArray) ifTrue: + [^ self error: 'Use ExternalStructure or ExternalTypeAlias to define a type alias, not ExternalUnion']. - (specArray size > 0 and: [specArray first class ~~ Array]) ifTrue: - [^ self error: 'Use ExternalStructure to define a type alias, not ExternalUnion']. byteOffset := 1. newByteAlignment := 1. maxByteSize := 0. typeSpec := WriteStream on: (WordArray new: specArray size + 1). typeSpec nextPut: FFIFlagStructure. specArray do: [:spec | | fieldName fieldTypeName isPointerField externalType typeSize typeAlignment | fieldName := spec first. fieldTypeName := spec second. isPointerField := fieldTypeName last = $*. fieldTypeName := (fieldTypeName findTokens: '*') first withBlanksTrimmed. externalType := (ExternalType typeNamed: fieldTypeName) ifNil: [self errorTypeNotFound: spec second]. isPointerField ifTrue: [externalType := externalType asPointerType]. typeSize := externalType byteSize. typeAlignment := externalType byteAlignment. spec size > 2 ifTrue: ["extra size" spec third < typeSize ifTrue: [^ self error: 'Explicit type size is less than expected']. typeSize := spec third. ]. (fieldName notNil and: [self shouldGenerate: fieldName policy: aSymbol]) ifTrue: [ self defineFieldAccessorsFor: fieldName startingAt: byteOffset type: externalType. ]. typeSpec nextPutAll: (externalType embeddedSpecWithSize: typeSize). maxByteSize := maxByteSize max: typeSize. newByteAlignment := newByteAlignment max: typeAlignment ]. maxByteSize := maxByteSize alignedTo: newByteAlignment. newCompiledSpec := typeSpec contents. newCompiledSpec at: 1 put: (maxByteSize bitOr: FFIFlagStructure). byteAlignment := newByteAlignment. ^ newCompiledSpec! |
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